Ksenia has joined Queen Mary in 2018. Previously she held a British Academy Post-doctoral Research Fellowship at the University of Nottingham. She has received her MPhil and DPhil from the University of Oxford and her BA in Political Science and Russian from Boston College, MA USA. For 2006-2007, she received a Fulbright Scholarship to carry out research on civil society formation and homeowners associations in St Petersburg, Russia. After completing her DPhil she has worked as an Assistant Professor at the University of Nottingham in 2015.
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Undergraduate Teaching
I will be on research leave 2018/2019.
Research Interests:
Dr Northmore-Ball's research interests span comparative politics and political behaviour particularly in the context of Eastern European new democracies as well as Russia. Her research applies advanced statistical methods. Her favoured topics are voter turnout, political and economic inequality, authoritarian legacies, and political socialization in new democracies.
Dr Northmore-Ball is currently continuing her research as a British Academy Post-Doctoral Research Fellow. Her British Academy-funded research project focuses on voter turnout and political socialization in the context of regime change in post-communist Eastern Europe and other new democracies. She also does research on religion and politics in Eastern Europe as well as the perceptions of the left and right in new democracies.
Examples of research funding:
University of Nottingham RPA Development Grant (with Dr. Anja Neundorf). 2018 £11,415
British Academy Post-doctoral Research Fellowship, University of Nottingham. October 2016-October 2019
Clarendon Scholarship, University of Oxford. October 2008 – September 2012 (full tuition and fees for MPhil and DPhil)
Nuffield Studentship, Nuffield College 2008-2012 £24000
Fulbright Scholarship: St. Petersburg, Russia. August 2006-June 2007 $22000
Advanced Study Grant (Boston College Fellowships Committee). June-July 2004 $4000
- Used grant to fund the attendance of the Boston College Summer Russian Language Program in St. Petersburg, Russia
Peer-reviewed journal articles
"The Ideological Shadow of Authoritarianism" Dinas, Elias and Ksenia Northmore-Ball. Comparative Political Studies. Online First.
“Increasingly Unequal Turnout in Eastern European New Democracies: Communist and Transitional Legacies versus New Institutions,” Electoral Studies 42 2016
“Refining the Secularization versus Religious Revival Debate in Eastern Europe: Church Institutional Resilience and State Repression” with Geoffrey Evans (Oxford, 2nd author), Social Science Research 57 2016
“Limits of Secularization? The Resurgence of Orthodoxy in Post-Soviet Russia,” with Geoffrey Evans (Oxford, 1st author) Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 51(4) 2012
Book chapter
“Long term factors: Class and Religious Cleavages” with Geoffrey Evans in The Routledge Handbook of Public Opinion and Voting Behaviour (2017) edited by Justin Fisher, Edward Fieldhouse, Mark N. Franklin, Rachel Gibson, Christopher Wlezien, and Marta Cantijoch.
Political Behaviour: Voter turnout
Eastern European and Russian politics