Felix del Campo
Email: f.delcampo@qmul.ac.uk
Research Topic: History of "Occidental" radical conservative neoliberalism and the continuation of neoliberalism by other means: contemporary European far-right movements.
Supervisors: Prof Ray Kiely and Dr Richard Saull
Research Interests:
Neoliberalism; Ordoliberalism; European far-right; European identitarian movement; Political Philosophy; Marxism; Critical Theory; Critique of Political Economy; Social Reproduction Theory; Gender Politics, Queer Marxism
Education/Professional Qualifications:
- BA Chemistry at Alcala de Henares University
- MA Theoretical Chemistry at Free University of Amsterdam
- MA Human Rights and Citizenship: Ethics and Politics at University of Barcelona
Work Experience:
- Assistant Editor: Open access journal at MDPI
del Campo, F. (2022). New Culture Wars: Tradwives, Bodybuilders and the Neoliberalism of the Far-Right. Critical Sociology, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/08969205221109169