School of Politics and International Relations

POL252 Political Research

POL252 (POL252B - Spring) Political Research module at Queen Mary University London's School of Politics and International Relations

(POL252B - Spring)

Level: 5

Credits: 15 credits

Semester: B

Contact: Dr Javier Sajuria

Overlap: None

Prerequisite: None

Compulsory for: Semi-compulsory for L202, L20Y

Associate Availability: Full Year, and Spring only


This module is designed to enhance undergraduate students' understanding and use of empirical methods, mostly quantitative, in the social sciences.  Through the focus on substantive and relevant topics, the module will enable students to become more sophisticated users of quantitative readings in political studies.  It will also enable them to undertake quantitative analysis in their own research, including their final-year research projects.  The skills acquired in this course will enhance students' employability.

Assessment: 1 x 2000 word essay (40%), Take-Home Exam (60%)



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