School of Politics and International Relations

POL267 Researching Everyday Politics

(POL267B - Spring)

Level: 5

Semester: B

Credit Value: 15

Module Convenor: TBC

Overlap: None

Pre-requisite: POL112

Compulsory for: L240, L24Y, L202, L20Y, L250, L25Y, L2NF

Associate Availability: Full Year and Spring only


Politics is often experienced as a distant experiment by students, a remote practice of the elite. This module enables students to gain practical experience of how politics is present in everyday life, to understand what the impact of everyday politics on traditional politics is but also how political authorities contribute to everyday politics. This is about studying how politics is embedded in the daily lives of individuals, communities and spaces. 

This module teaches students what manifestations everyday politics takes (engagement, resistance, social media, culture, identity, symbols, emotions, values, political practices) and in what ways everyday politics influences the formal and informal practices of politics by using various methods of analysis taught in the module through fieldwork. Students will be able to share their findings with other students in a collaborative and workshop environment, disseminate their findings with social and other media, and to contribute through a series of innovative assessments such as a self-reflective piece on everyday politics, social media review, prepare and present a poster.

Assessment: 1 x essay 1000 words (40%) and poster portfolio (15 minute presentation) (60%)



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