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Materials Science and Engineering

Materials Science

Make a difference to the world around you

The School of Engineering and Materials Science (SEMS) offers a range of Materials Science degree programmes that can lead to a rewarding and engaging career making a difference to the world around you.

Why Materials Science and Engineering at Queen Mary

  • Use our state-of-the-art facilities as part of your programme and to complete your own research project. We have recently invested over £30 million in new and refurbished facilities.
  • Benefit from our excellent links with industry which help us shape the content of our programmes, support projects and offer networking opportunities. We have an Industrial Advisory Board comprising more than 40 members from companies including Jaguar and Pfizer.

  • Our accredited degrees will give you automatic exemption to the first stage of full Chartered Engineer status by the Engineering Council. The accreditation process ensures that our degrees meet the expected professional level by ensuring that:

    • Our degrees prepare students to an excellent academic level
    • The content of our degrees is relevant to industry
    • We engage industry partners in the development and delivery of our degrees
    • We recruit students that are well-qualified for the degree
    • Our graduates progress to relevant and appropriate industry careers.
  • The skills developed by our students and our extensive industrial connections provide graduates with excellent employability in stimulating and well-paid careers.

  • We provide you with a rigorous training in both theoretical and applied research that meets the demands of the materials industry.

My favourite module is Materials Selection in Design as it shows the impacts the topic has on the world in all industries and the course content is very relevant and up to date. I have participated in projects including redesigning a Siemens train button for Covid-19 adaptability and a simulation of a two-link planar anthropomorphic simulator.
— Thelma Tay, MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering 2022

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