Queen Mary, having taken advice from Queen's Counsel, has reviewed its governance and income as stated in its audited financial statements for the year ended 31 July 2011 and determined that it is not a contracting authority for the purposes of EU public procurement regime as implemented by the Public Contracts Regulations 2006 (as amended).
7 October 2024: The above position has been reviewed and remains based on the draft statements of accounts for the year ended 31 July 2024.
The Procurement Team at Queen Mary is a dedicated centre for all procurement related matters. We promote efficient and effective procurement, working with internal stakeholders and suppliers to ensure value for money is achieved through responsible procurement.
The Procurement team provides advice and guidance and carry out due diligence to ensure that Queen Mary complies with legislative and statutory requirements whilst optimising best value.
The team supports Queen Mary objectives by ensuring procurement:
- Protects the commercial interests of Queen Mary
- Provide procurement expertise and support across Queen Mary
- Provide value for money contracts
- Ensure that the Queen Mary's Procurement Policy and Procedures are up to date, fit for purpose and support all relevant legislation and best practice
Suppliers interested in doing business with Queen Mary should register their details on our e-Tendering portal, Bravo. This facility allows suppliers to keep aware of any forthcoming business opportunities that arise, and is the authorised route through which tenders and contracts are processed and awarded.
For further information please download:
For any procurement queries please contact us at:
Queens' Building
Mile End Campus
London, E1 4NS
Tel:+44(0)20 7882 8206