Engagement Champion
At the Centre for Public Engagement (CPE), we believe that every voice has the power to inspire and drive impactful change. Our new Engagement Champion Initiative is designed to recognise and celebrate individuals who go above and beyond to foster a positive, inclusive, and engaged environment within our community.
Visit our Wall of Fame to find out more about our recently nominated Engagement Champions!
Nomination Process Each month: we invite both self-nominations and peer nominations through a quick and easy Microsoft Form. If you know someone who embodies the spirit of engagement - or if you believe you do - simply fill out the form to share your story and make your nomination!
Champion Recognition
Each month’s Engagement Champion(s) will receive a certificate of appreciation to honour their contributions. In addition, we’ll highlight their achievements across our platforms: with special spotlights in our newsletter, on X, and a permanent spot on our Engagement Champions Wall of Fame.
Join us in building a culture that values and promotes meaningful engagement. Nominate yourself or a colleague today, and let’s shine a light on those who make a difference!
Nominee Eligibility Anyone affiliated with Queen Mary – students, postdocs, staff, academics, Honorary Fellows – is eligible to be nominated.
Engagement Eligibility These awards aim to recognise excellent engagement in all its diverse forms, routes and methods. We expand on the National Collaborating Centre for Public Engagement’s (NCCPE) definition:
‘Public engagement describes the myriad of ways in which the activity and benefits of higher education and research can be shared with the public. Engagement is by definition a two-way process, involving interaction and listening, with the goal of generating mutual benefit’