Personal Data, Indentity and Trust: How Do These Affect Your Business's Growth
24 September 2014
Time: 6:30 - 10:00pm
Venue: To be confirmed
Are concerns about your legal obligations to respect the privacy, identity and trust of individuals limiting the ways in which your business can use data to grow?
This event will help you address these concerns by meeting with lawyers, technologists, entrepreneurs to share and combine ideas about how to work with data in new ways without compromising the rights of the individuals who own that data.
Identity and privacy are important issues affecting organisations working in social media. There are a lot of urban legends surrounding these. This is a meet up giving people working in social media the opportunity to hear from lawyers, academics, the Government and business people about the how identity and privacy are shaping the development of social media. The evening will allow you to share experiences and thoughts to develop best practise.
Panelists will include Professor Chris Hankin at Imperial College London, Margaret Dowie-Whybrow, School of Law at University of Greenwich, Rod Pugh,Managing Director at First Cyber Security Limited and Sade Laja, Head of Digital Engagement at Connected Digital Economy Catapult.
- qLegal
- Digital Greenwich Innovation Centre
- University of Greenwich
- Digital Accelerator Programme
Social Media Week
qLegal is hosting a number of free events during Social Media Week in conjunction with its partners Edwards Wildman and Morrison & Foerster. Social Media Week is a leading media platform and worldwide event with local presence and global reach across five continents, including Europe, North America, South America, Africa and Asia.
How to Book
For registration information, please visit the Social Media Week event page.
For more information, please contact
Photography, video and audio recording
Please note that qLegal events may be photographed or video and audio recorded. These materials will be used for internal and external promotional purposes only by Queen Mary University of London. If you object to appearing in the photographs, please let our photographer know on the day. Alternatively you can email in advance of the event that you are attending.