External advisory board
The Queen Mary Academy External Advisory Group includes educational experts from the UK and beyond, and ensures that we benchmark our offer against global best practice.
About our External Advisory Board
The Board meets once a year, and members are drawn from a range of sector bodies and higher education institutions.
The recommendations of the External Advisory Board are presented to the Education Quality & Standards Board (EQSB) and help to inform the Queen Mary Academy’s planning and future priorities.
Terms of reference
- to advise on the Academy’s scope of provision (including face-to-face, online and blended delivery), providing feedback and helping to identify opportunities to ensure that our offer remains relevant, exciting, engaging, and current.
- to support the Academy in ensuring the quality of provision through benchmarking against sector standards
- to consider a range of external influences which may impact on the Academy’s future activities
- to formulate findings and make recommendations.
The External Advisory Board will normally comprise the following:
- External Chair, representative from research-intensive university
- Representative from Advance HE
- Representative from Vitae
- Representative from UKCGE
- Representative(s) from one or more higher education institutions
- Representative(s) from Industry, Employer Sector or Professional Body
- Director, Queen Mary Academy
- Head of Academic Leadership Development, Queen Mary Academy
- Head of Education Programmes, Queen Mary Academy
- Head of Innovation and Learning, Queen Mary Academy
- Head of Researcher Development, Queen Mary Academy
- Head of Strategy and Administration, Queen Mary Academy
- Dr Jon Turner, Curriculum Transformation Project Lead, University of Edinburgh - Chair
- Cathy Baxter, Head of Early Careers, PwC UK
- Helen Bråten, Senior Adviser, NOKUT (the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education)
- Emma Caseley, Head of Strategy and Administration, Queen Mary Academy
- Rachel Cox, Head of Membership and Engagement, Vitae
- Professor Janet De Wilde, Director, Queen Mary Academy
- Dr Owen Gower, Director, UK Council for Graduate Education
- Dr Jonelle Harvey, Professional Standards Specialist, Royal Society of Chemistry
- Shoshi Ish-Horowicz, Head of Innovation and Learning, Queen Mary Academy
- Rachael Mitchell, Head of Academic Leadership Development, Queen Mary Academy
- Dr Anna Price, Head of Researcher Development, Queen Mary Academy
- Dr Emily Salines, Head of Education Programmes, Queen Mary Academy
- Katie Scott, Head of Membership, Advance HE
- Dr Katie Wheat, Research Culture and Policy Lead, Teesside University