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Queen Mary Academy

Dr Jo Trelfa, PhD, PFHEA, M.Ed


Academic Practice and Enhancement Manager

Room Number: Department W


Dr Jo Trelfa is an Academic Practice and Enhancement Manager within the Queen Mary Academy and leads on areas related to assessment and its place in curriculum and learning design, linked to student voice, engagement and inclusivity.  She is a Principal Fellow of AdvanceHE.

Jo holds a PhD, ‘Facilitating reflective practice in higher education professional programmes: reclaiming and redefining the practices of reflective practice’, this being an area in which she has over 30 publications and conference/keynote papers/invited workshops, the latter in England, Northern Ireland, Alaska, Japan, Slovenia and Iceland.

Jo has been working in the Higher Education sector for over 20 years.  She has teaching, module and programme lead and development and experience (and a M.Ed in this area), as well as leadership in faculty and HEI research development and university-wide education development.  She was Head of Academic Professional Development at the University of Winchester (UoW), where, among other areas, she oversaw and led the taught and experiential AdvanceHE provision and its mentoring and review processes.  She was also Assistant Director of UoWs Institute for Contemplative Education and Practice Academic Professional; and, as Principal of an independent HE and adult education College, she built its governance structures, strategic focus, and inclusive and accessible student engagement from the ground up.  She has been External Examiner and on review Panels for 7 HEIs across the UK.

Jo has a background in Youth and Community Work (BEd, JNC), having held professional roles in the areas of young people’s wellbeing and mental health, human rights, and women’s rights.  She was Chair of TAG (national professional association for lecturers in YC work) from 2008 – 2011.


Research Interests:

Her current research interests continue her focus on reflection-in-action, in addition to trauma informed and compassionate pedagogies and assessment, and the precarity of professional practice.

Examples of research funding:

External Bids

Title: Working with difference, diversity and conflict. Funding body: Connect Youth/Causeway, British Council (July, 2007). Bid: £1384-23. Lead : Jo Trelfa. Outcome: successful

Title: The process of supervision: developing the reflective practitioner. Funding body: Connexions/CSNU (2002/3).  Bid: substantial* Lead: Kevin Feaviour (Jo Trelfa only other named researcher). Outcome: successful  *(Head of Finance was not in post at the time and cannot trace records)

Lead: Jo Trelfa: University St Mark & St John digital innovation award (2016-17) Title: Reflective practice VLE interactive tool. Bid: buy-out and technological support. Outcome: successful

Applicants: Trelfa J., Spencer-Woodley L. & Lea S.  University St Mark & St John Research Award (2021-13) Title: Exploring quality assessment processes in an interdisciplinary environment.  Bid: buy-out.  Outcome: successful

Internal Bids

Lead: Jo Trelfa.  UC Marjon Learning & Teaching Curriculum Development Award (2007-8) Title: Case -based resources for use in lectures and distance learning through the development of a dynamic and reusable learning resource.  Bid: buy-out and technological support. Outcome: successful

Applicants: Trelfa J. & Feaviour K.   UC Marjon College Teaching Fellowship Award (2004-5) Conference: Inspiring Learning. Bid: buy-out, administrative and small budget. Outcome:  successful




Trelfa J., Ancient C., O’Connor C. & Morris J. (forthcoming) Collaborations: students and lecturers working together to create. In Fosbraey G. (Ed) Creative Learning, Teaching and Assessment for Arts and Humanities in Higher Education. London: Bloomsbury

Trelfa J. & Telfer H. (2023) Barriers to reflective practice and opportunities for progress in Sport and Exercise Science and allied disciplines: spaces and places in between. In Z. Knowles, A. Miles & E. Huntley (Eds) Reflective Practice: Critical Perspectives, Pedagogy, and Applied Case Studies in the Sport & Exercise Sciences (pp.66-77). London: Routledge

Trelfa J. (2022) Holocaust Memorial Day 2022. One Day: light into the darkness. Website.

Trelfa J. & Chapman L, with Wride M. (2021) Light into a forest. Blog. 6th May. Contemplative Pedagogy Network.

Harris P. & Trelfa J. (2021) Rethinking critical pedagogy in Higher Education through a psychosocial Lens. In M. Seal (Ed) Hopeful pedagogies in Higher Education. London: Bloomsbury Academic. Chapter 14, pp.161-170

Trelfa J. (2021) Facilitating reflective practice in higher education professional programmes: reclaiming and redefining the practices of reflective practice. Unpublished thesis completed as a requirement for a postgraduate research degree of the University of Winchester. University of Winchester, UK.

Trelfa J. (2021) ‘Getting to the soul’: radical facilitation of ‘real world’ learning in Higher Education programmes through reflective practice. In D. Morley & G. Jamil (Eds) Applied pedagogies for Higher Education: real world learning and innovation across the curriculum. London: Palgrave Macmillan (pp.299-322) (and online from:

Hill G. & Trelfa J. (2020) Feedback to doctoral candidates about signposting in their academic writing. The (Research) Supervisor’s Friend.  Blog [online]. Available from: Posted: 6/11/20

Trelfa J. (2018) Atmospheres and hauntings of place: feeling and knowing. Conference Proceedings. European Outdoor Education Network Seminar (Plymouth, 28th June - 2nd July 2017), pp.4-9 ISBN: 978-0-9955996-4-2 (and online from

Trelfa J. (2018) Reflective practice: gaze, glance and being a youth worker.  In P. Aldred, F. Cullen, K. Edwards & D. Fusco (Eds) The Sage Handbook of Youth Work Practice. London: Sage, pp.47-56

Trelfa J., Smith A. & Smith C. (2017) The development of popular informal and community education and youth and community work in the UK. In M. Seal (Ed) Trade Union education – transforming the world. Staffordshire: GFTU Publishing House, pp.64-77

Trelfa J. (2017) Telling stories in organisations: reflective practice/curated practice. The International Journal of Professional Management. Special edition: arts and management. Volume 12, Issue 3, pp.32-41 (available from:

Trelfa J. (2017) Reflecting practice/curating practice. In: Empowering the Intangible: Art of Management & Organization Conference 2016 (1-4 September 2016, Slovenia) Conference Proceedings. University of York, pp. 128-139. ISBN 9780901931191 (available from:

Tamai K. (Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, Japan), Nakamura I. (Okayama University, Japan) & Trelfa J. (University of St Mark & St John, UK) (Eds) (2016) Special edition: current issues and new thoughts on reflective practice. Volume 53. Kobe, Japan: Kobe City University of Foreign Studies

Trelfa J. (2016) What is reflective practice? In Tamai K. (Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, Japan), Nakamura I. (Okayama University, Japan) & Trelfa J. (University of St Mark & St John, UK) (Eds)  Current issues and new thoughts on reflective practice.  Volume 53. Kobe, Japan: Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, pp.1-21 (also available from:

Trelfa J. (2016) Whatever happened to reflective practice? In Tamai K. (Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, Japan), Nakamura I. (Okayama University, Japan) & Trelfa J. (University of St Mark & St John, UK) (Eds) Current issues and new thoughts on reflective practice.  Volume 53. Kobe, Japan: Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, pp.79-102 (also available from:

Trelfa J. & Telfer H. (2014) Keeping the cat alive: ‘Getting’ Reflection as part of professional practice. In Z. Knowles, D. Gilbourne, B. Cropley & L. Dugdill (Eds) Reflective Practice in the sport and exercise sciences: contemporary issues. London: Routledge, pp.47-56

Trelfa J. (2013) Reclaiming the practice of reflective practice. Occasional Paper. Antrim, Northern Ireland: Curriculum Development Unit Youthwork

Trelfa J. & Richmond D. (2008) Getting the Balance Right: training and education within NVQ and HE routes in youth work. Youth and Policy, No 97/98, Autumn 2007/Winter 2008, pp.119-134.

Trelfa J. (2005) Faith in Reflective Practice. Reflective Practice, Issue 62, May, pp.205-212

Trelfa J. & Feaviour K. (2003) The Process of Supervision: Developing the Reflective Practitioner.  London: Connexions Service National Unit/DfES

Trelfa J. & Bell C. (1998) Training Manual for domestic violence training for police, social workers & community workers in Surinam. South America: CAFRA/IDB

Trelfa J. & Bell C. (1997) Training Manual for Domestic Violence in the Caribbean. Trinidad: CAFRA/IDB

Dallos R. & Trelfa J. (1993) To be or not to be: family beliefs, madness and the construction of choice. Journal of Family Psychotherapy, Vol.4, No.3 , pp.63-82

Trelfa J. & Dallos R. (1993) Violence and visions - the construction of experience. Changes (International Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy) Vol.11, No.2, June.

Trelfa J. & Britten C. (1993) Group therapy. In B. Lask & R. Bryant Waugh (Eds). Childhood onset anorexia nervosa and related eating disorders. East Sussex: Psychology Press/Erlbaum UK Taylor & Francis Ltd, pp.221-232

 Conference papers and presentations:

Invited guest speaker: Trelfa J. (2023) Artificial Intelligence and Academic Integrity: ban, evade, adapt?  PCI College, Dublin. Wednesday 16th March. 

Invited guest speaker: Trelfa J. (2023) Precarity: the art and craft of leading organisations. Devon Area Federation of the National Association of Funeral Directors, Thursday 26th January

Trelfa J. (2019) Contemplative pedagogy – just words in pink? University of Winchester Learning and Teaching Conference: Imagination, wider world and expanding horizons. 6th June.

Trelfa J. & Scott C. (2019) The soul of reflective practice. Solent Learning and Teaching Conference: In pursuit of excellence: creativity and innovation on a changing landscape.  21st June

Trelfa J. & Newman T (2019) Me, myself, and you: creative reflective practice (workshop).  Play and Creativity Festival: A place for play in higher education. 3-5 April

Invited keynote: Trelfa J. (2017) Tipping the balance: reflective practice and practitioner well-being. Heilsuefling og fritimi (health care and leisure time) National conference, Haskdu Islands/University of Reykjavik, Iceland, 17th November.

Invited workshop: Trelfa J. (2017) A cupful of reflective practice. Heilsuefling og fritimi (health care and leisure time) National conference, Haskdu Islands/University of Reykjavik, Iceland, 17th November.

Invited keynote: Trelfa J. (2017) Atmospheres and hauntings of place: feeling and knowing. European Outdoor Education Network Seminar. Plymouth, 28th June - 2nd July.

Invited keynote: Trelfa J. (2017) Confident individual and collective professional identity.  Youth Work in Cornwall: a shared identity.  Regional conference for youth workers (supported by Unite).  Newquay, 11th March.

Invited keynote: Trelfa J. (2016) Is having a ‘professional identity’ that important for Youth, Community and Playworkers?   Unite Community, Youth and Play workers Conference (CYPW): Identifying risk, building resistance and catching Pokemon, Eastbourne, East Sussex.  18th November – 20th November

Trelfa J. (2016) Reflective practice/curating practice 1.  Performance.  Art of Management and Organisation: Conference: empowering the intangible.  Stream: Making the intangible tangible: Stories as a process for Organisational and Management Inquiry.  Bled, Slovenia, 2-4 September 2016

Trelfa J. (2016) Reflective practice/curating practice 2.  Paper presentation.  Art of Management and Organisation: Conference: empowering the intangible.  Stream: Making the intangible tangible: Stories as a process for Organisational and Management Inquiry.  International conference. Bled, Slovenia, 2-4 September 2016

Trelfa J. (2016) Reflective practice: gaze, glance and being a Youth and Community Worker.  TAG Annual Conference: Devolved, Diverse and Interdependent: Making Professional Connections. Wednesday 22-24 June, Ulster University, Derry, Northern Ireland

Invited speaker: Trelfa J. (2014) Whatever happened to reflective practice?  Regional conference - Exploring reflective approaches to capture “experiences” in the classroom: reflection in the experience, on the experience and beyond the experience. Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, Japan, August 28 – 30

Trelfa J., Spencer Woodley L., & Lea S. (2014) Journeys through the artistry of dissertation marking. University of St Mark & St John Learning & Teaching conference, 2nd -3rd July 2014.

Trelfa J. (2014) A learning-scape for reflective practice and professional identity formation. Higher Education Teaching and Learning (HETL) international conference, Alaska USA. Theme: Innovative Learning-Scapes: e-Scapes, play-Scapes & more. May 31st – June 2nd 2014.

Trelfa J. (2014) A learning-scape for reflective practice and professional identity formation. Reflective Practice Research Symposium, University of St Mark & St John, 8th May.

Trelfa J. (2013) Is the cat alive or dead?  Schrödinger’s cat, reflective practice and professional identity formation.  Core paper.  17th International Reflective Practice Conference, Swansea, September 9th-11th

Trelfa J. (2013) The canny body in practice: what is a professional act? Theme paper.  17th International Reflective Practice Conference, Swansea, September 9th-11th

Trelfa (2013) Residential fieldwork trips as part of HE module experience: worth their weight in gold. Poster. Learning & Teaching Conference, University of St Mark & St John, July 10th– 11th

Trelfa (2013) What is a professional act? Pecha Kucha. Learning & Teaching Conference, University of St Mark & St John, July 10th– 11th

Invited keynote: Trelfa (2013) Reclaiming the practice of reflective practice. Curriculum Development Unit, Youthwork Northern Ireland/University of Ulster Community Youth Work national conference [cpd for professionals]. Belfast, January 26th.

Trelfa (2011) Are reflective journals fit for purpose? TAG annual national conference: Framing the future: Youth & Community Policy in an Age of Austerity. University of Brighton, 12-14 July

Trelfa (2010) The emperor’s new clothes? A critical exploration of reflective practice. TAG annual national conference: Challenging Futures: Youth & Community Work 2020. University of Durham, 14-16 July

Trelfa J. & Smith A. (2008) Globalisation: an idea whose time has come? The state of global Youth Work in Higher Education Institutions, Leicester (TAG), November

Trelfa J. & Feaviour K (2006) More than just a pipe dream – emerging issues in research, education and practice. Promoting Inter-Professional Education.  National conference, Oxford, July.

Trelfa (2006) Interpersonal communication.  Youth and Community Workers Training Agencies Group Day Conference. National conference, London, May

Trelfa (2006) Assessing practice. Youth & Community Workers Training Agencies Group Day Conference. National conference. London, May.

Trelfa J. & Smith A. (2006) The HEI response to workforce reform. Youth Work and Workforce Reform (TAG). National conference. London, February

Trelfa J. & Smith A. (2005) ‘Youth Matters’: The CYWU/TAG response (TAG). National conference, Leeds.

Trelfa J. & Feaviour K. (2004) The Five Dimensions: A Model for Reflective Practice. Institute of Reflective Practice, 7th International Reflective Practice Conference, June

Trelfa (1998) Perpetrator Programmes and Domestic Violence. Gloucester, NCH Conference on Domestic Violence

Guest lecturer

Haskdu Islands/University of Reykjavik. Course: Experiential Learning and Life Skills (Level 7). Iceland, 16th November.

Newman University, Birmingham. Course: Advanced and Critical Reflective Practice. 2011

External bids

Title: Higher Play. Funding body: ESRC Higher Play consortium.  Bid: £1million over 3 years; Leads: Prof Nicola Whitton (MMU), Judy Robertson (Edinburgh), David White (UAL), Prof Alison James (Winchester), named researcher: Jo Trelfa. Outcome: pending

Title: The Academic Professional Apprenticeship:  The Educational Developer Perspective.  Funding body: SEDA (Evaluation & Research) (February, 2018).  Bid: £1000; Lead: Jo Trelfa (University of Winchester) & Dave Barber (University Southampton Solent). Outcome: unsuccessful

Title: Values-Based Wellbeing and Employer Led Engagement in Initial Teacher Education, Early Years and Youth Work Education (November 2016). Funding body: Higher Education Authority.  Bid: £65,636; Lead: Prof. David Lundie (Jo Trelfa named researcher). Outcome: unsuccessful.

Title: ‘Inspire: building reflective practice’: student/practitioner conference.  Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, Japan and University St Mark & St John UK. (March 2015) Funding body: Daiwa Foundation. Bid: £10,062. Lead: Jo Trelfa. Outcome: unsuccessful.

Title: Pedagogies of partnership: enabling reflective practice (2014).  Funding body: Higher Education Authority - The impact of pedagogies of partnership on the student learning experience in UK higher education.  Bid:£19,792.Lead: Jo Trelfa. Outcome: unsuccessful

Knowledge Exchange:

November 2017: requested to lead conference and initiative development regarding establishing reflective practice in HE education programmes and training of youth & community workers, University of Iceland, School of Education

2015 – ongoing: core member of team (along with Newman University, Leeds Metropolitan University) working with General Federation of Trade Unions (GFTU) to develop and deliver training to Union reps to upskill their competency in adult education.  My specific role = design and carrying out evaluation of inaugural national training, first of its kind in country.  KE has involved invited key presenter and co-ordinator of national Union Building conference, a publication (see above), and design of training.  I have permission to disseminate evaluation on completion.  Depending on outcome and success is potential opportunity for UoW to validate and deliver the training in the future.

May 2016:  ‘A focus on crime’ (part of the Festival of Social Science week). Funding body:  Economic and Social Research Council.  Successful bid £750; Lead: Dr Hazel Bending  (Jo Trelfa, named team member).






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