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Queen Mary Academy

Dr Usman Naeem

Senior Lecturer in the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Usman will be working with the Queen Mary Academy as a Fellow 2024-26. He is providing academic leadership to Queen Mary’s use of Learner Engagement Analytics (LEA), with specific responsibility for developing a strategy for and driving forward the uptake and enhancement of LEA.

Usman Naeem is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) within the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at Queen Mary University of London. He received his PhD from Queen Mary University of London in 2009.
Usman is currently the coordinator for undergraduate and postgraduate projects.

Usman’s contributions in the area of scholarship are based on student engagement and measuring student experience and feedback using novel techniques. As a project coordinator at his previous institution, Usman has been very much interested in how educators can measure and improve student engagement. He has continued this while he has been at Queen Mary and has disseminated his academic practice through presentations at teaching away days, conferences and publications.
Usman has published pedagogical work based on student engagement at conferences such as IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) and IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Education (TALE).

Usman’s scholarship activities and evidence of educational leadership have also been recognised by Advance HE, as he is a Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy (SFHEA).
In terms of research, his focus is on assistive technologies, including machine learning techniques, mobile computing, and ambient intelligent environments.

You can find out more about Usman's career and his work in this interview on the Queen Mary website

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