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Queen Mary Academy

Getting started - initial advice and guidance

Initial advice and guidance

It is essential to understand the individual starting points for all apprentices. Accurate information about an apprentice’s prior learning in relation to the KSBs, provides a baseline for the effective monitoring of progress, evidencing that the apprentice is engaging in new learning. 

Skills scan

A skills scan is an assessment of the individual’s starting point in relation to the apprenticeship standard. It must evaluate and document the extent to which the apprentice meets each KSB and therefore confirm that the apprenticeship programme contains sufficient new learning to support the apprentice’s progression. It also identifies those elements of the standard do not need to be re-taught.

The skills scan ensures that the KSBs of the chosen apprenticeship standard will benefit the apprentice’s development and meet the needs of the employer.

The assessment should be validated as accurate by the individual’s line manager or employers.


Apprenticeship Training Plan

Every apprentice will have an individual training plan. This will include full details of the programme including content and delivery. It will also include:

  • Commitments of employer and Queen Mary and what the learner can expect
  • The start and planned end date of the apprenticeship programme
  • Expectations and commitments of the learner
  • Confirmation of eligibility
  • Details of the learner, employer, Queen Mary, and End-point Assessment Organisation (for non-integrated programmes)
  • Planned schedule, including modules, delivery, and assessment details
  • The process for solving queries or complaints

The training plan will underpin regular progress review meetings. This is a live document, and should be updated regularly. The employer, apprentice and University must all hold accurate and up-to-date, signed copies of the training plan.

Queen Mary students sitting together in conversation

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