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Queen Mary Academy
A coiled spring

Be flexible

Apply a flexible and resilient approach to your life

How can you develop and demonstrate this attribute at Queen Mary?

Three students look out from a building

  • Manage your course workload alongside other competing demands
  • Undertake an internship / work experience / volunteering alongside your studies
  • Keep trying if things don't work out first time
  • Use feedback received from tutors or peers to improve your work  

How might this attribute be assessed or evaluated?

  • Reflective tasks which require you to consider how you approached activities or pieces of work
  • Coursework which asks you to show how feedback has been taken on board and used
  • Feedback from work experience / volunteering
  • Cover letters / application forms / interviews
  • Assessment centres

What kinds of interview questions could I be asked that relate to this attribute?

  • Give me an example of a time you had to deal with a crisis and how you approached it 
  • How do you deal with setbacks?
  • How do you cope with pressure?
  • Describe a time when something didn’t work out as well as you’d hoped. What did you do and what did you learn from it?

How can you use attributes and skills gained from your Queen Mary course, extra-curricular opportunities and work experience to answer these kinds of questions?  


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