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Communicate effectively in a range of formats for different purposes with a diverse range of people

This Graduate Attribute is about being able to communicate in an effective way with with a wide range of different audiences. Communication is a key employability skill.

How can you develop and demonstrate this attribute at Queen Mary?

A woman stands on stage in front of an audience

  • Give a presentation or demonstration, live or online
  • Write a report / blog / paper
  • Take part in class discussions
  • Engage in role play activities
  • Take part in laboratory group work 
  • Plan a conference or event
  • Work with voluntary groups

How might this attribute be assessed or evaluated?

  • Assessed coursework, exams (written or oral), presentations, posters, reports
  • Peer review / feedback
  • Feedback from work experience / volunteering
  • Cover letters / application forms / interviews

What kinds of interview questions could I be asked that relate to this attribute?

  • Give me an example of when you used good communication skills to help you achieve an objective.
  • Give me an example of when you have had to change your communication style for different audiences.
  • How would you persuade people around to your way of thinking?
  • Tell me about a time when you resolved a disagreement with another team member.

How can you use attributes and skills gained from your Queen Mary course, extra-curricular opportunities and work experience to answer these kinds of questions?  

Case studies from our graduates

Semhar Misghina profile pic

My name is Semhar Misghina, and I recently graduated from Queen Mary University of London in Biomedical Engineering. I am currently starting a PhD programme at Queen Mary University of London that will explore the progression of atrial fibrillation using computational modelling. As I embark on my post-graduate journey, I appreciate the significance of effective communication in various formats and employing creative problem-solving approaches as vital graduate attributes. These attributes have facilitated a smooth transition to my PhD programme and allowed me to thrive in multidisciplinary research groups. Effective communication has helped me successfully express complex concepts and collaborate, while a creative problem-solving approach has been valuable in determining novel solutions to problems.

Effective communication has helped me successfully express complex concepts and collaborate... My advice to current students is to actively engage with multidisciplinary groups and participate in collaborative tasks.

Throughout my undergraduate programme, I had the opportunity to work on various group tasks, participate in problem-solving challenges, and interact with peers from various fields. These opportunities refined my communication skills and increased my adaptability to various audiences, resulting in a broader viewpoint. The university's emphasis on real-world challenges provided multiple opportunities to employ my expertise and encouraged the development of innovative solutions. My advice to current students is to actively engage with multidisciplinary groups and participate in collaborative tasks. It is important to take advantage of internships and research initiatives that allow you to apply your abilities to real-world scenarios. These experiences will strengthen your skills and serve as practical examples for future employment or academic programmes.

Where can I find out more and access support?

Academic Professional Communication courses from the Queen Mary Languages Centre

Academic Skills Support from Queen Mary Library Services  

Target Connect: skills development support from Queen Mary Careers

Royal Literary Fund Fellows: get advice on your writing from a professional writer

Target Jobs: What are communication skills and how do I improve them?

LinkedIn Learning resources on communication

LinkedIn Learning resources on public speaking

LinkedIn Learning resources on writing

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