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Engage critically

Engage critically and reflectively with knowledge

This Graduate Attribute aligns with the Queen Mary value 'Ambitious'. Developing the ability to engage with knowledge critically and reflectively is central to your experience as a Queen Mary student.

How can you develop and demonstrate this attribute at Queen Mary?

Students in small groups in conversation

  • Analyse data and produce recommendations
  • Write a comparative or analytical essay
  • Argue a case
  • Use information to make a diagnosis
  • Write critical appraisals
  • Undertake a literature review
  • Identify gaps in current research
  • Undertake research

How might this attribute be assessed or evaluated?

  • Essays / exams
  • Case based / problem based learning
  • Research projects and proposals
  • Dissertations
  • Presentations
  • Debates or discussions

What kinds of interview questions could I be asked that relate to this attribute?

  • How do you approach decision making? How do you decide without all the information?
  • Tell us about a time when you had multiple competing deadlines - how did you decide which areas to prioritise? 
  • How do you proceed when you need to solve a problem? Can you give an example?
  • Describe a situation when you were presented with an idea you hadn't considered before. What did you do?

How can you use attributes and skills gained from your Queen Mary course, extra-curricular opportunities and work experience to answer these kinds of questions? 




    Where can I find out more and access support?

    Library academic skills support online

    Library academic skills workshops


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