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Queen Mary Academy


Learning and Teaching in HE

Module Title: Learning and Teaching in HE (ADP7116 – face to face) (ADP7216 – distance learning)

Convener and tutors: TBC

Programme: This is the first core module for CILT and PGCAP

Delivery mode: The module is available in face to face and distance learning formats, although we expect delivery to be online only from September 2020.  It is taught in mixed disciplinary seminar groups and takes a flipped learning approach. 

Credits: 15 (Level 7)

Module Description (for website): max 250 words

The module will introduce you to the principles of learning and teaching derived from educational psychology, education theory and reported findings in recent education research.  Through simulated tasks it will enable you to critically examine and apply these principles to teaching practice at university. The content is structured around OPAR (Orientate-Present-Apply-Review): a constructivist model of teaching and learning design (G Petty, 2012), which is effective for developing competencies in planning and designing teaching for active learning within a peer-learning environment.  Topics include:

  • How we learn
  • Planning of teaching 1: Orientation (activating prior knowledge)
  • Planning of teaching 2: Presentation (demonstrating new content)
  • Planning of teaching 3: Application (facilitating construction of new knowledge)
  • Planning of teaching 4: Review (in-session assessment and feedback)
  • Reflection and evaluation of teaching
  • Models of learning: flipped classroom

Learning outcomes:

By the end of this module participants should be able to

Academic content: 

  • [Demonstrate understanding of] theoretical foundations, empirical evidence and current trends of the psychology of learning and teaching
  • [Demonstrate understanding of] strategies for in-class assessment and reviewing student learning
  • [Demonstrate understanding of] theories of reflection and evaluation among teachers
  • [Demonstrate understanding of] evidence on aspects of session planning, including activation of prior knowledge, review of learning and active learning

Disciplinary skills – able to: 

  • Plan effective sessions of teaching, including session learning outcomes, well-selected resources and learning activities.
  • Deliver teaching effectively to an audience, activating prior learning, ensuring active learning throughout the session and assessing or reviewing learning.
  • Reflect on and evaluate their teaching practice using feedback from others, self-reflection and educational literature.
  • Use tutor and peer feedback, in conjunction with educational literature and self-reflection, to plan changes to their practice.
  • Use evaluation and their knowledge of the above to plan their own development as a teacher.


  • A student-centred approach to planning and delivering teaching
  • Design sessions to suit students’ diverse backgrounds and levels of prior knowledge
  • Committed to using feedback, reflection and educational research for continuous reflection and improvement of practice
  • Interdisciplinary awareness: committed to learning from, and working with, disciplines other than their own



Formative assessment includes:

Feedback on forum posts, informal feedback in class on a mini presentation. Microteaching session based on the microteaching session plan: 15 min of teaching on a pre-selected topic from participant’s subject.  Feedback is provided by tutors and peers.


Summative assessment:

Assignment 1 – Microteaching Session Plan - 30% weighting

Up to 1,000 words annotated session plan for a 15 min microteaching session. The plan should outline: the type and level of the session, its learning outcomes, its content and activities, any planned in-session assessment and feedback, and any post-session consolidation. The annotations should provide the rationale for the design choices and their justification, e.g. on the basis of existing scholarship and research, observed best practice, reflection on past experience.

Assignment 2 – Reflection on Microteaching – 70% weighting

Up to 2,000 words, based on the microteaching. May include a revised microteaching session plan, reflection on the experience and the provided feedback, and particular areas for development.


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