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Queen Mary Academy

Jayne Dennis

Dr Jayne Dennis, School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences

Reviewing fellowship applications is a key component of recognising and maintaining excellence in education at all levels in QMUL, from support staff to PhD student demonstrators, lecturers and senior staff who shape education across our university.

Personally, I find that participating in the review process gives a fascinating insight into the diverse education activities across the university.  I’ve learned about teaching practices outside of my own discipline, which has made me reflect on the standard model of science education.  I’ve also been inspired by applicants’ innovative teaching practices, exemplary student support and leadership ability.  This exposure enables me to remain inquisitive about education and it supports my own professional development and growth.

As part of the review panel I receive training from Advance HE to ensure that QMUL maintains high standards within the academic community.  Panels inevitably include rigorous discussions of candidates’ accomplishments, balancing a desire to award fellowships with careful evaluation against national standards.

Ultimately, being a member of the review panels for Advance HE fellowships is a privilege, playing a vital role in shaping the growth and development of talented colleagues.

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