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Queen Mary Academy

Ling Ma

Ling Ma, School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

I have been actively serving in the Teaching Recognition Programme as a Mentor and Reviewer since I achieved SFHEA status in 2018. These roles are essential for supporting colleagues from across the university. For me, it has been a rewarding and enriching experience.

As a mentor, I've had the privilege of guiding colleagues through the process and helping them reflect on pedagogical approaches and teaching and learning practices. One of the most fulfilling aspects of this role is the learning journey together with my colleagues. It is particularly inspiring when it is outside my own discipline as I have also learned so much from them. The fellowship reviewer role deepens my understanding of the UKPSF. It also provides me with the opportunity to learn about the diverse roles and activities across the university. In addition, the regular training sessions from Advance HE offer valuable benefits and ensure that QMUL maintains high standards.

The most enjoyable part of these roles is being part of a community of colleagues who are passionate about professional development and teaching innovation. It's not just about gaining a certificate but fostering a deep commitment to continuous improvement and excellence in higher education

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