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Queen Mary Academy

10 Days to Change the World (for You)

Queen Mary is a signatory to the RD Concordat, and recommends that postdoctoral research staff engage is 10-days (70-hours) of Continued Professional Development (CPD) activity annually.

What if someone gave you two working weeks to enhance your career? What would you do? What should you do? In this interactive session we will dive into:

  • Why your 10 days CPD is so important
  • Look at creative ways to spend them (and fund them)
  • Discover if you have hit peak postdoc
  • Find out about the only metric that matters for postdocs


The workshop is delivered by Dr Emma Williams, co-author of “What Every Postdoc Needs to Know”.


Check CPD-Training for dates and times.

For more information contact Dr Rui Pires Martins (

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