Code of Practice for Research Staff
This Code of Practice has been developed for people who are employed to undertake research at the University, primarily postdoctoral research staff.
The guidance is also applicable to a wider range of researchers, such as academic staff, some of whom may have additional considerations as managers, supervisors, educators, etc., and is relevant to researchers of all disciplinary backgrounds regardless of career expectations and intentions.
It was developed by the Researcher Development Concordat Implementation Group with input from the Vice Principals for People, Culture, and Inclusion; and Research and Innovation, the Director of Research Services, the Faculty Deans for Research, the FMD Deputy Dean for Research Integrity, the Lead on Queen Mary Ethical Research Committee, and the Research Integrity and Assurance Officer. In will be distributed with new employment contracts.
The guiding principles of this Code are informed by the Queen Mary’s Strategy 2030, Queen Mary’s Values in Action Behavioural Framework, the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers (2019), and the Concordat to Support Research Integrity (2019). Though each of these stipulate responsibilities in terms of a variety of research stakeholders, here, the focus is on interpreting the responsibilities of research staff in the context of Queen Mary’s policies.
You can download this Code of Practice in pdf form here: QMUL Code of Practice for Research Staff [PDF 136KB]
Navigate to the sections of the Code of Practice for guidelines, policy, and support for researchers. The resources linked throughout this document are also listed in the Quick Links section.
Research Environment and Culture
Excellent research requires positive and inclusive environments and cultures
Research Integrity and Ethics
Queen Mary Integrity and Ethics policies and contacts
HR and institutional guidance and policy relevant to researchers
Data Management and Protection
Policy and guidance on archiving and protecting research related data and work products
Professional and Career Development
Support and guidance for your development and next career steps
Quick Links
An organised list of all of the links to policy and guidance in this document