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Queen Mary Academy

Tools for developing and promoting co-creation

Roadmap for planning and implementing co-creation projects

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Queen Mary co-creation recognition framework with VALUABLE in coloured letters with the Queen Mary logo

Queen Mary Co-creation Recognition Framework

Co-creation is valuable - that's why we use the VALUABLE framework to recognise co-creation. Discover the eight elements of our recognition framework by expanding the headings below.

V. Values

  • Inclusion –  academics, professional services, managers, students, and Students' Union representation are all important in managing the award scheme
  • Reflection
  • Curiosity, continuous learning, and innovation
  • Collaboration, valuing different perspectives,  flattened hierarchies and sharing responsibilities

A. Application

  • Part 1: Description of co-creation project 
  • Part 2: Identification of area of activity, aligned with the PSF 2023
  • Part 3: Reflective account and recommendations
  • Part 4: Endorsement by staff - reflection on contribution and impact 
  • Criteria: Co-creation, Reflection, Impact, Contribution (including recommendations), Support and Endorsement

L. Leadership

  • Enable transformative leadership for students, staff and award scheme team, valuing growth, learning, gaining new perspectives
  • Form leadership structure including: Award scheme manager and Steering Committee with co-leads and representatives from endorsers, reviewers, students, senior management, and Students' Union

U. University-wide promotion and partnership

  • Name your award (using an engaging acronym or name)
  • Develop Ambassadors (students) and faculty representatives (eg Education Managers)
  • Work in partnership with the Students’ Union
  • Co-create a website, digital resources, social media
  • Participate in fairs, events, and award celebrations
  • Collaborate on team publications and presentations

A. Administration

  • Have a student-friendly and welcoming administrator (contact with applicants and reviewers)
  • Create application processes
  • Administer application panels (reviewing student award applications)
  • Administer feedback and results to students

B. Building further opportunities

  • Create a prize for best reflective applications  
  • Provide support to apply for further awards e.g. the SEDA/ JISC Student Partnership Impact award or AFHEA (if applicable).

L. Learning and Support

  • Provide one-to-one mentoring of student co-creators (to support understanding on reflective writing and how to narrate impact)
  • Provide feedback to students requiring revisions after Award panel meetings 
  • Training and guidance to endorsers

E. Enabling quality

  • Align the areas of the co-creation projects to the PSF 2023 
  • Train and create guidance for all reviewers e.g. standardised review form with specified criteria and encourage constructive feedback 
  • Run panel meetings reviewing student applications with reviewers present to support Award judgement (award, award subject to minor revisions or refer) 
  • Report to an institutional level committee
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