Resources co-created with students for students:
1. Unpacking Assessment: Top Tips
This video will introduce you to some tips that will help you unpack your assessments— Resource co-created with Bilge Kacmaz, Vice President, Science and Engineering, QMSU 2021-2022
Follow the link to access resources developed by students, for students, to help you get more out of assessment
2. Unpacking Assessment: Tools on QMplus

This resource was designed to guide learners around the information, resources and tools they'll find in QMPlus— Resource co-created with Rob Tucker, President, Barts and The London Students' Association, QMSU 2021-2022
Follow the link to access resources developed by students, for students, to help you get more out of assessment
3. Assessment as Learning: Checklist

This was resource was designed to help learners approach their assessment tasks— Resource co-created with Saynab Sharif, Vice President Humanities and Social Sciences QMSU, 2021-2022
Follow the link to access resources developed by students, for students, to help you get more out of assessment

The WISE Tool provides easy access to the university welfare support options; 1. Money Issues and Management, 2. Mental Health, 3. Disability and Dyslexia Services (DDS), 4. Bullying, Harassment, Hate Crime, Sexual Harassment or Assault, 5. International Students, Immigration and Visas.— Resource co-created with Jojo Croft, Vice President Welfare, QMSU, 2022-2023
Follow the link to access the Welfare Information Search Engine' (WISE Tool)
Case Studies:
Case Studies from Queen Mary Educators
Case studies from the Queen Mary Academy (training and support)
Case studies from students (SEED award)
A1: Design and planning of learning activities and/ or programmes of studies:
Co-creating elements of modules
A2: Teaching and/or support of learning:
Participating in near peer teaching
Participating in Peer led team learning (PLTL)
A3: Assessment
Co-creating assessment and feedback toolkits
A4: Developing effective Learning environment:
Co-creating solutions in terms of student support and inclusion