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Queen Mary Academy

Saima Begum Syed

Saima Begum Syed, School of Medicine and Dentistry

I completed a 4-week elective with the Community Based Medical Education (CBME) team, which focused on enhancing the content and delivery of the GP5 core cases and conducting near-peer teaching sessions at a large GP practice. I redesigned the core cases by incorporating visual aids and categorising learning objectives into Clinical, GP-related, Ethical, and OSCE. My recommendations will be piloted by the London and Malta GP5 teams this academic year. 

In addition to this, I participated in the CBME Educator Day where I represented the student voice on a panel with academics and showcased students' projects to over 80 GPs. Furthermore, I delivered teaching sessions, including mock OSCEs, to medical students from various medical schools. I fostered a psychologically safe environment during the sessions, which led to positive feedback for my “clear, relaxed, and exam-focused style”.

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