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Nomination of Examiners and Examination Entry

Examination Entry

Examination entry on MySIS is the formal process by which a student notifies Queen Mary of their intention to submit the thesis and be examined for the degree for which they are registered. Examination entry is also the process by which the title of the thesis is notified and approved. Completion of examination entry opens up the next stage of the MySIS form for nomination of examiners to be completed by the student's supervisor, usually the primary supervisor.

The process for examination entry and nomination of examiners is initiated by the student. The student completes part 1 of the online form. In MySIS please click the 'My Research Details' page on the top menu, and then the 'Progression and Examination' tab. The links to the form and guidance notes are displayed under the 'Examination' heading.

A student and their supervisor should discuss the appropriate timing of examination entry and the nomination of examiners to read the thesis and conduct the viva voce examination before the student completes their part of their form and before submitting your thesis.

The MySIS form should be completed at least three months before the proposed submission of the thesis. This will allow enough time for the Research Degrees Office to liaise with the supervisor, in cases where the board requires the replacement of an examiner (e.g., for lack of minimum examination experience or any conflict of interest).

The submission of the thesis must take place up to twelve months after examination entry. After twelve months, if the thesis has not been submitted, the examiners must be re-nominated and approved by the Research Degrees Board.  A re-entry fee may be required.

A thesis cannot be sent to the examiners until the Board has approved the student's examiners.
Only the Research Degrees Office can send the thesis to the examiners. 

Nomination of examiners

There are two examiners. The following two options will be considered by the Research Degree Programmes and Examination Board:

Either Model A

  • one internal examiner from the academic staff of Queen Mary University of London who has not been involved in the candidate’s work and has not been a member of the candidate’s progression panel(s); and
  • one external examiner.

Or Model B

  • Where the criteria above for an internal examiner cannot be met or a school/institute considers it to be academically desirable, two external examiners may be appointed.

  • Examiners should be experts in the field of the thesis but not necessarily in all parts of the precise topic.

If nominating two external examiners, please enter the details of the lead examiner in the section for examiner 1 on the nominations form. Examiner 1 is the lead examiner who takes responsibility for completing the examination outcome form and returning to RDO the form and the examiners’ reports.  

Criteria for Examiners

 Examiners for MPhil, PhD, MD(Res), DrPS, DPsych and DClinDent normally fulfil the following criteria:

  • The examiners should have examined at least five research degrees of the same or equivalent level between them, of which a minimum of three examinations should have been for a research degree in the UK.  For the MD(Res), at least one examiner should have previous experience of examining for the MD(Res).  

  • Nominated examiners must have had no direct involvement in the candidate’s research and they must not have taken an active role in considering the student’s progression.

  • Examiners must not have any close connections or extensive recent (within the past five years) collaborations with either the supervisor(s) or student including joint publications or research grants which might inhibit a completely objective examination.
  • An external examiner should not normally be appointed more than once during a given academic year by members of the same School/Institute. 
  • An examiner who is a member of QMUL staff may be appointed up to three times during a given academic year.

  • NHS Consultants or the equivalent in the NHS who are not QMUL or University employees may be appointed as examiners but they should hold an Honorary Senior Lecturer or above contract with a College or University.  Other professional experts may be appointed as external examiners, but the normal requirements for examining experience across the examination team will apply. 
  • Individuals who were previously members of staff, students or other members of Queen Mary University of London must not be appointed as an external examiner until a period of three years has elapsed.
  • Individuals who have retired from academic positions at Queen Mary University of London or another higher education institution may be appointed as internal or external examiners if they remain active in their field of research. 
  • Overseas examiners are appointed as external examiners only in exceptional circumstances and where it is considered that such an appointment is necessary.

Candidates should pay particular attention to the declaration on the examination entry form. By signing this declaration and entering the examination, you authorise Queen Mary to make your thesis publically available on the open-access institutional e-repository, Queen Mary Research Online (QMRO), according to the conditions set out in the declaration. Please refer to the Library’s guidance on publishing e-theses for more details about the inclusion of your thesis in QMRO and the implications of this (for example about how it may affect future publication). You may indicate on the examination entry form that you wish to apply for restriction of access to your thesis for twelve months. 

Examination entry and nomination of examiners are considered by the Research Degrees Programmes and Examinations Board. The board meets monthly to consider applications received in the preceding month, according to the schedule in the table below. The Research Degrees Office will inform your supervisor of the Board’s decision after the meeting.

Dates for RDPEB meetings and paperwork deadline

Paperwork to RDO deadline

RDPEB date
(third Wednesday each month)

07 August 2024 21 August 2024
04 September 2024 18 September 2024
02 October 2024 16 October 2024
06 November 2024 20 November 2024
27 November 2024 11 December 2024
03 January 2025 15 January 2025
05 February 2025 19 February 2025
05 March 2025 19 March 2025
02 April 2025 16 April 2025
07 May 2025 21 May 2025
04 June 2025 18 June 2025
02 July 2025 16 July 2025
06 August 2025 20 August 2025
03 September 2025 17 September 2025

 Dates are subject to change. Please check for updates to this information.

If the Board does not approve your examiners, your supervisor will nominate an additional or alternative examiner, depending on the Board’s requirements. Your supervisor should nominate an alternative examiner using the MySIS task.

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