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Re-entering examination

This page contains information on how to re-enter for the examination for a research degree programme, following a referral outcome from the first viva.

This applies for PhD, MPhil, MD(Res) and EngD programmes.

This does NOT apply for ResM, DClin, DClinDent, DrPS and DPsych programmes.


If you are re-entering for the examination, following a referral, please submit the PGR Examination Re-Entry Form (RD04) at least two weeks before the planned resubmission of the thesis.

The re-entry fee is £450. Payment is due at the point of re-entry for the second examination.

Please pay via QMUL E-Pay


The Research Degrees Office (RDO) will write to the original examiners to inform them that you have re-entered for the examination and confirm that they are able to act.

You can, then, submit the electronic copy of your revised thesis to the RDO, on You must also provide the completed PGR-Thesis-Submission-Form-RD02 [DOC 37KB].

Please note that bound copies of the thesis are NOT required.

Please copy all emails to your supervisor and school/institute research degrees manager.


The thesis must be submitted as a single combined document, preferably PDF. Appendices must not be submitted as separate documents. If you have any questions or need to submit additional material with your thesis, e.g. digital material, please contact

You must not contact the examiners or the examination will be invalidated. The Research Degrees Office will send your thesis to the examiners.

If you do not wish your thesis to be available in the library and online, you will be able to do so at then of the examination, after the examiners approve your final thesis. The library online service will have this question for you to answer.

Whether to hold a second oral examination is within the examiners’ discretion. Your supervisor is responsible for arranging the viva and keeping you and the RDO informed of the arrangements. If you have any queries about the viva, please speak to your supervisor in the first instance. 

Please email a pdf of the re-submitted thesis to

Please see the presentation notes for further information: PGR Presentation of Thesis Notes Apr 23 [PDF 122KB]

Acknowledging support:

Students who have received financial support from external funding bodies such as Research Councils should acknowledge the support they have received according to the format stipulated by their funding body. The Research Councils require the following to be included in published research outputs:
This work was supported by the [name of funding body] [grant number xxxx]. 
Multiple grant numbers should be separated by comma and space. Where the research was supported by more than one agency, the different agencies should be separated by a semi-colon, with "and" before the final funder. For example: 
This work was supported by the [name of funding body] [grant numbers xxxx, yyyy]; the [name of funding body] [grant number zzzz]; and the [name of funding body] [grant number aaaa].

After the viva, your examiners will inform the Research Degrees Office (RDO) of the outcome. They are required to do this within two weeks of the viva. They may inform you of the outcome of the examination at the end of the viva, but are not required to do so.
Possible outcomes for a PhD or EngD re-examination:

  1. Pass.
  2. Pass, subject to minor amendments, to be completed and checked by one or both examiners within six months.
  3. Pass, subject to major amendments, to be completed and checked by both examiners within nine months.
  4. Pass (downgrade) MPhil.
  5. Pass (downgrade) MPhil, subject to minor amendments, to be completed and checked by one or both examiners within three months.
  6. Fail outright: no re-entry permitted.

Possible outcomes for a MD(Res) re-examination:

  1. Pass.
  2. Pass, subject to minor amendments, to be completed and checked by one or both examiners within six months.
  3. Pass, subject to major amendments, to be completed and checked by both examiners within nine months.
  4. Fail outright: no re-entry permitted.

The RDO will write to you to formally notify you of the outcome of the examination and advise you of the post-viva procedure. The RDO will send you a copy of the examination outcome form, a copy of the examiners’ report on the examination, and a list of amendments required by the examiners, unless you have passed outright or have already been provided with a list of amendments. You are responsible for submitting the revised thesis to the examiner(s) responsible for checking your amendments by the date stipulated on the examination outcome form. 

Please ensure that you keep your personal details up-to-date in MySIS to ensure that you receive this correspondence.

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