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Research degree enrolment

Whether you are a new student or are continuing your studies, it is important that you enrol every year.

If you are continuing your studies into the next academic year or returning from an interruption of study, you will need to re-enrol in order to become fully enrolled onto your programme. Please refer to the enrolment instructions sent to you. You will need to complete the online enrolment process through MySIS (login required) before your agreed enrolment date, re-enrolment is an essential requirement for your programme.

You will receivee an email informing you when it is time to re-enrol, with enrolment beginning on Monday 19th August 2024 and ending on Sunday 6th October 2024. If you experience difficulty re-enrolling, please email

If you are invited to complete re-enrolment and have access to the MySIS task, that means that you are required to re-enrol. If you do not re-enrol by the deadline you will not be entitled to documents confirming your student status. Your registration with Queen Mary will be terminated and you will no longer be a student of Queen Mary. For more information please see: Re-enrolment at QMUL webpage

Continuing International Students: If you have a new passport and/or your immigration permission changes in any way please contact the Research Degrees Office so that your MySIS record can be updated to reflect this.  

Enrolment for new Students

Enrolment on your research studies programme is completed online through the Queen Mary student portal MySIS. Online enrolment is a two stage process. Once your offer of study conditions have been cleared, you will be sent an email inviting you to complete pre-enrolment online. Staff will then review your enrolment information and update your enrolment status to fully enrolled when all the data checks are complete. If there are any outstanding checks you will be assigned temporary enrolment. Please see

Please see the drop down tabs below with further information and guidance for activities such as ID card collection, as well as how to defer your start date, should you need to.

ID card collection

Students must be enrolled fully enrolled or have temporary enrolment status to be able to collect their ID card.

For new students 

You can collect your ID card from the Octagon (19a on the map) from Thursday 19 to Tuesday 24 September between 10:00 to 16:00 and on Wednesday 25 September between 10:00 to 13:00.

If you are unable to collect from the Octagon you can collect your ID card from the Research Degrees Office with effect from Wednesday 25 September.

RDO opening hours and address

10am to 4pm on Monday, Weds, Thurs, Friday 
11am to 4 pm on Tuesdays. 
Graduate Centre, room GC213
Mile End Campus

Directions -

2024/25 enrolment points

September 2024

The Research Degrees Office will begin student enrolment on 16th September 2024. The deadline for completing enrolment for students joining programmes in September is Friday 4th October 2024. The deadline for students with temporary enrolment status to become fully enrolled is Friday 11th October 2024.

January 2025

The Research Degrees Office will begin student enrolment on Tuesday 6th January 2025.  The deadline for completing enrolment for students joining programmes in January is Friday 31st January 2025. The deadline for students with temporary enrolment status to become fully enrolled is Friday 7th February 2025.

The deadline for students with temporary enrolment status to become fully enrolled is Friday 9th February 2024.

April 2025 

Enrolment commences on Tuesday 1st April 2025. 

The deadline for completing enrolment for students joining programmes in April is Tuesday 15th April 2024. Please contact should you have any queries.

Deferring your start date

Please talk with your supervisor if you wish to change your start date and to defer your enrolment. Once agreed with your supervisor this will need approval from the Director of Graduate Studies in your department and the Admissions Office. It may be possible to change your start date to another entry point. These are in January, April, and September. You can formally request deferral using the “Deferral” tile in your Applicant Portal. In exceptional circumstances the university may consider approving enrolment at the beginning of another month, for example due to delays in receiving approval of immigration permission or ATAS. The enrolment period for other months starts on the first working day of the month. The deadline for completing enrolment is 14 days from the date the enrolment period starts.

Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) 

If you have been asked to obtain an Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) certificate, it is your responsibility to apply for and obtain the certificate. For information about the ATAS scheme and how it may affect you, please refer to the ATAS pages on the Foreign and Commonwealth Office website. Further information about the ATAS scheme can be found on the QMUL Advice and Counselling service website.

Please note - You will not be able to enter the UK or enrol without the ATAS certificate. 

Once you have enrolled, you will be issued with an ID card and Queen Mary University of London email address. It is important that you access this email account regularly or set up auto-forwarding to your private email address, as Queen Mary will use it to send you official communications. Please ensure that you keep your contact details up-to-date in MySIS.

All students must familiarise themselves with the QMUL Policy on Research Ethics, including any requirements for formal ethical review, and ensure that their research conforms to it. You are required to be enrolled with Queen Mary until you have been awarded your degree.

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