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Registry Services

Changing your programme

During your time with us you may wish to change your programme, it is important to get the right guidance before making this decision.

The process of changing programmes is contingent on meeting certain criteria and is not guaranteed to be accepted once completed. The consideration for this to be approved will be made subject to individual entry requirements, specifications and previous academic performance. Before undertaking this process it is important to speak to your Academic School to understand implications of this process as they would be able to guide you through the process more in-depth. 

If you are an international student, we would advise contacting our Advice and Counselling service who can appropriately outline any wider implications of you switching your programme as well as your Academic School to ensure you have a complete overview before filling out the applicable form. 

Who should complete the change of programme form?

This form is for the use of both undergraduate and taught postgraduate students who wish to transfer from their current programme of study onto an alternative programme within Queen Mary University of London.  This may be taught within the same School/Institute as the original programme of study, or it may be offered by a different School/Institute.

What do students need to consider when changing programmes?

Students must be aware that there is no guarantee of transfer. Consideration will be made subject to the individual entry requirements, programme specifications and past academic performance. 

New students entering Queen Mary who request to transfer within the first few weeks of the academic year must meet the entry requirements for the proposed new programme of study.  The request may need to be turned down if this is not the case.

Students who request to transfer to a degree programme in a different School/Institute after the second week of teaching in the Autumn Term will not normally be allowed to do so within the same academic year as they will have missed too much teaching to be able to catch up.

While a case is being considered, it is important that students continue to attend classes, submit coursework and attend examinations for their initial programme until notified by the Registry of the outcome of their request. The only exception to this rule is where a student has also chosen to interrupt their studies.

Students who intend to cease attendance on the original programme of study and to start the new programme at the beginning of the next academic year must complete an interruption of studies form.  If this is not received it will be assumed that the student wishes to complete the academic year on the original programme of study and those marks will stand.

Where can you seek further advice about changing programmes?

Your School/Institute will be able to discuss your circumstances and whether you meet the requirements for the proposed new programme.  If you are transferring between Schools/Institutes authorisation needs to be sought for you to withdraw from your current programme and separate authorisation must be obtained to enable you to join your proposed programme.

What are the financial and visa implications of changing programmes?

Check how changing programme might affect your current and future funding entitlement, and your tuition fee liability.  If you are an international student, check whether it will affect your visa.  Not all situations are the same, so our detailed online webpages explain how you will be affected, depending on your personal circumstances.

If, having read this guidance, you need more advice, please contact the Advice and Counselling Service for confidential one to one advice

Once you have spoken to your Academic School and Advice and Counselling, you can start to fill out the form linked below. This needs to be completed by your current Academic School, the one you will be going too, and the latter should submit this to our Records team to be actioned for you. 

Change of Programme Form [DOC 372KB]

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