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Registry Services

Your Documents

Explore the documents you will have uploaded or presented to you during your studies and beyond at Queen Mary.
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Documents at Queen Mary

Registry Services is responsible for providing student and graduate documentation to you during your studies and beyond. This covers documents proving your are enrolled with us, via Gradintelligence with your Student Status Letter, to your Degree Certificate once you have been successfully awarded. We have a variety of detailed Webpages for each form of documents with turnaround times and more information of each kind to ensure you are fully informed of when you can expect to receive these. 


Who produces my documents?

The team responsible for a particular documents may change dependent on variables such as your level of study, enrolment status or your eligible for the document itself. The list below will outline which teams within Registry Services are able to make documentation for you, which documents are covered and, if applicable, where you may find their frontline services or contact information.

Student Enquiry Centre (SEC)

The Student Enquiry Centre is responsible for producing documents for current students and graduates for Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes. Please see a comprehensive list below of the documents they are able to produce for you. Please note, we may be able to add additional wording for you but this service is not exhaustive, please contact them to see how they may be able to help further. Graduates would need to pay for documentation from the Student Enquiry Centre.

  1. Student Status Letter - This should be accessed through your Gradintelligence account, and will be uploaded for you onto Gradintelligence upon full enrolment. 
  2. Academic Transcript - Both interim and complete transcripts may be provided by the Student Enquiry Centre team, but please note this is circumstantial on your progression and embargo's that may be in place during certain periods of year. Physical copies are available which include a stamp and seal.
  3. Award Letter - A letter detailing your academic details, as well as award data such as classification, date of award and features a digital signature. Physical copies are available which include a stamp and seal.
  4. Replacement Degree Certificates - An official replacement of your degree certificate should it be lost or destroyed. Please note these are legal documents and as such, only one can be in circulation at any one time. 

Research Degrees Office

The Research Degrees Office is responsible for student documentation to all Research Programme students covering PhD, MPhil, MD(Res), EngD and DClinDent. They are able to assist with documentation and can be contacted regarding this via their Registry Services Contact Page

The Awards Team

The Awards Team under Registry Services produces your primary copy of your Degree Certificate for distribution to either your Graduation Ceremony or your registered home address should you be awarded outside of the standard process. Unfortunately, their team is not front facing, but you may contact the Student Enquiry Centre in the first instance who may be able to confirm what stage of the process your documentation is at.

If you feel your required documents to not fit into the categories above, you can browse our Contact Directory which features overviews on what Registry Teams cover which competencies and how they may be able to help. Please note, if you are on a Chinese Joint Programme, your documentation may be produced via the Student Records Team rather than the Student Enquiry Centre, if you are unsure if this covers your programme you may contact the Student Enquiry Centre in the first instance. 

Degree Verifications

Find out more about how Registry Services verifies your academic details to third parties using the Hedd verification system.

Find out more
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