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Registry Services

The Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR)

The HEAR is your official digital transcript that provides a full record of your University achievements - both academic and extracurricular.

What is the HEAR?

We provide your HEAR to you as an electronic document via your Gradintelligence account, meaning you will have lifelong access to your transcript. You will find that you will need your transcript if applying for further study and employment opportunities, so please ensure you activate your Gradintelligence account when requested.

The HEAR can help you stand out in an increasingly competitive environment. It can demonstrate to employers and others the range of your knowledge, skills and abilities developed whilst studying at Queen Mary University of London. Therefore, we encourage you to think about how you can make the most of your HEAR, for example by completing extracurricular achievements that are eligible for HEAR recognition.

Am I eligible for a HEAR?

Queen Mary University of London first introduced the HEAR in summer 2017 for most undergraduate and postgraduate taught programmes who were awarded that summer or who were progressing into the next academic year.

It was later introduced for students undertaking BDS, Intercalated and Joint-China programmes (BUPT, Nanchang & NPU) who were awarded in summer 2019 or later and DClinDent students who were awarded in autumn 2019 or later.

The following students are excluded from the HEAR and should read on for information on how to obtain a transcript:

    • MBBS students
    • Incoming Study Abroad (inc. associate, exchange, erasmus+) students (that are not awarded by Queen Mary)
    • Summer School students
    • Students on a non-award-bearing programme (inc. Pre-Sessional programmes)
    • PhD students

Please be advised that we cannot create a Gradintelligence account or HEAR for a student who was awarded prior to when it became available for their programme of study.

If you are not eligible for a HEAR but need a transcript or documentation that confirms your modules/award:

  • Undergraduate and postgraduate taught students not eligible for a HEAR may wish to order a transcript.
  • MBBS students should contact the School of Medicine and Dentistry:
  • Incoming Study Abroad/Erasmus+/Exchange students (1 semester & 1 year associates) and Summer School students: Please use your transcript which is published on Gradintelligence following the official results release date in the summer. Please note, if you are on a Queen Mary programme with a year abroad and require a transcript, please contact SEC.
  • PhD students should contact the Research Degrees Office:

What is displayed on my HEAR?

Your HEAR provides verified information about your academic results and non-degree related achievements, such as academic prizes and extracurricular activities and awards.

View an example of what your HEAR might look like: QMUL HEAR Example [PDF 1,145KB]

Your HEAR has eight sections:

Section 1: Contains all of the student's relevant personal information: student name, date of birth, student ID number etc.

Section 2: Confirms the name of the qualification gained and the title it confers, e.g. Bachelor of Arts, English Literature.

Section 3: Clarifies the level of qualification through confirming the official length of study, particularly with regard to its place in the relevant national qualifications framework.

Section 4: Details the modules taken and results achieved along with the overall classification of the final qualification. This allows you to look more closely at what the student studied and learnt.

Section 5: Tells you whether or not the qualification confers professional status on the holder i.e. right to practice and the function of the qualification.

Section 6: Is a key part of the HEAR. This section paints a rich picture of each student's achievements. Additional awards, activities and interests, both academic and non academic, are discussed. Any prizes awarded by the examination boards are included here along with verified extracurricular activities.

Section 7: Is the all-important formal authentication of the HEAR.

Section 8: Contains a web link reference to a description of the national higher education system to which the qualification and institution belongs.

There are three types of HEAR:

Formative: Shows confirmed module marks, usually of the previous academic year. This is uploaded for you whilst you are studying.

Final: Shows confirmed module marks and degree classification. This is uploaded once you have been awarded.

Revoked: A revoked HEAR is not in use, possibly due to an error in the data that we are in the process of correcting or if you owe fees (e.g. outstanding tuition fees, field trip charges etc.)

How do I share my HEAR?

You are able to share your HEAR in a number of ways. You can choose to securely share it via Gradintel which is recommended as it is a secure portal meaning the recipient can be certain that the data in your HEAR is accurate and has been confirmed by QMUL. You can also download it as a PDF or print it out.

Please be advised that the HEAR is a self-serve document and QMUL cannot share it with a third party on your behalf.

Before sharing your HEAR, please check which format(s) are accepted by the party you are sharing it with. For example, other universities may not accept a PDF HEAR that is sent to them via email but they may accept it if shared via Gradintelligence, as that means it has been verified by QMUL. For further information about how to share your HEAR, please see the information below.

Do you need to provide a physical copy of your HEAR?

You have the ability to print your HEAR directly from Gradintelligence by printing it as you normally would a PDF document.

However, please be advised that the data in the HEAR is verified by QMUL as being correct if it is shared electronically via the Gradintelligence platform. We understand that there may be times that you need to provide a physical copy of your HEAR and therefore if a verification of your printed HEAR's authenticity is required from a third party, please see our information page on degree verification for current and previous students.

Please note that QMUL do not print HEAR's as standard as it is a self-serve document. However, we are able to print, stamp and seal your HEAR for you for a charge. You can also order a transcript which is printed on QMUL headed paper and is stamped and sealed.

Do you need to send an electronic transcript for an application?

You can share your HEAR (or any other document type) with anyone you like. Simply log into your account on and you will be in your dashboard. If you have a HEAR, you will see it on your dashboard. Simply select the 'share' option (to the right of the 'view' button) and follow the steps. Gradintelligence is a secure portal and sharing your document(s) through this platform means that Queen Mary has verified the data as accurate.

The recipient will receive an email with the subject line 'Gradintelligence Data Access Token' sent from 'Gradintelligence Document Services <>'.

You choose how many times your HEAR can be viewed and how long your link will stay live. You can also set an alert so that you can be notified when your document has been viewed.

When you send your HEAR, a separate authorisation token is also sent to ensure the safety of your information.

Your Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) features a lot of data not only regarding your results, but accreditation data, extracurricular activities and more. We have a dedicated HEAR FAQ page to ensure many of your queries regarding this unique document are answered. The links below will give you more detailed information about when you can expect your HEAR to be published, what extracurricular activities may be added and frequently asked questions. 

The publication of your Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) is actioned by the Student Records team within Registry Services, the contact details for whom can be found in our contact directory webpage.

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