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Registry Services

Exam boards and awarding

Throughout your studies you may come across references to Examination Boards. They play a core role in ensuring you are awarded once your exams are complete


Examination Boards are at School/Institute or Faculty level and ensure that marks and classifications are awarded fairly and consistently across Queen Mary in accordance with the Academic Regulations. They play a key role in the awarding process, for further information of your subsequent award and degree certificate process please see our webpages.

What types of Exam boards are there? 

  • Subject Examination Boards (SEBs) regulate modules and programmes of study, and report to and advise the 
  • Degree Examination Boards (DEBs), which consider and approve all recommendations for awards, classifications, retakes and failures. Further information is given in the Academic Regulations

Once decided, these details are passed onto the Records team within Registry to apply your award. You should make yourself aware of the date of the Subject Examination Board meeting(s) for your programme of study. These are normally held in June for undergraduate programmes, and in October for postgraduate programmes. 

If you have any questions about Examination Boards, please direct them to Teaching administration team within your School/Institute.

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