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Withdrawing from your studies

Withdrawal from the College means that you are leaving the College with no intention of returning, the following page may give clearer guidance on what this means for you.

What should I consider before Withdrawing?

Things to consider regarding the withdrawal process and its implications may include: 

  • It is extremely difficult to return to College once you have withdrawn as your record will have been terminated and your funding body, the Home Office and Transport for London will be advised accordingly
  • Your entitlement to financial support from your funding body may be affected in the long term - you are strongly advised to seek advice from your tutor and read the relevant Advice and Counselling Service advice guide before making your decision. 
  • Until you have formally withdrawn from your studies you will officially remain a student of Queen Mary and you will be responsible for payment of part of or the full year's tuition fee and where appropriate, residence fees. As funding regulations change frequently it is important that you understand how your decision might affect your entitlements in the future. If you have any concerns regarding this, the Advice and Counselling Service have some useful webpages to help you. Their Welfare Advisors can provide you with up to date advice on your eligibility for student finance in the future.

Actions to take before completing the form? 

Students must speak to the appropriate person in their School/Institute (Student Support Officer or equivalent, Senior Tutor or Personal Tutor/Academic Advisor) before completing this form and once the form is completed obtain the signature of the authorised approver for withdrawals in the School/Institute. 

Check how withdrawing or transferring institutions will affect your current and future funding entitlement, and your tuition fee liability.  If you are an international student, check how it will affect your permission to stay in the UK.  Not all situations are the same, so the Advice and Counselling webpages explain how you will be affected, depending on your personal circumstances. 

If, having read this guidance, you need more advice, please contact the Advice and Counselling Service for confidential one to one advice. 

The deadline for submission of the withdrawal form 

Please be aware that for most programmes there are two deadlines for submission of the withdrawal form.  These are the day before the assessment period in January and the day before the assessment period in May.  If you miss these deadlines you will normally have to be entered for examinations/assessment and would need to talk to your School/Institute about submitting extenuating circumstances if you are unable to attend/submit work. 

The submission deadline will vary for a small number of programmes.  Please seek advice from your School/Institute or from Student Records if you are unsure of the deadline for submission of the form.  Postgraduate students are also able to attend the May assessments and to withdraw prior to commencing their Project/Dissertation period.

Transferring to another institution

Students considering a transfer to another institution are advised to contact the Admissions Office at that university for advice about their procedures and what action needs to be taken prior to completing the withdrawal form. 

Students transferring from Queen Mary to another institution will receive a transcript in the form of a HEAR, including results for all modules taken and academic credit for all modules successfully completed up to the point of transfer. Where a student qualifies for an exit qualification, this will be made subject to the terms of the Academic Regulations. Upon transfer a student will cease to be a Queen Mary student and as such will no longer be eligible for further assessment, resits, or participation in other Queen Mary activities.

For further guidance on the implications of transferring to another institution you can read more guidance on the Advice and Counselling service webpages regarding this.

Withdrawal Form [DOC 376KB]

This will need to be signed by your department, to find contact details please see our student support contacts page.

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