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Cambridge long vacation scholarship

The Cambridge Long Vacation Scholarship provides the opportunity for 8 students to attend Kings College and one student to attend St John’s College.

The Cambridge Long Vacation Scholarship provides the opportunity for 8 students to attend Kings College and 1 student to attend St John’s College for four weeks from Monday 8th July to Saturday 3rd  August.

The Kings College Cambridge exchange commemorates the period during World War II when Queen Mary College was evacuated to King’s College, Cambridge. The St John’s College Cambridge exchange marks the retirement of Robert Tong who was the Registrar and Secretary of Queen Mary College 1946-1979 and was a Choral Scholar at St John’s. 


Students are expected to spend their time at Cambridge in the furtherance of their undergraduate studies by using the academic facilities. Although there is no formal academic element of the scholarship, students can arrange to meet with specific academic staff at Cambridge by making the arrangements in advance. Cambridge University laboratory facilities can only be used by making prior arrangements directly to the department of interest. Please note: 

  • Students are required to provide a short report of their time at King's and St John’s
  • Participation in the CLVS will be recorded as an extracurricular activity on the HEAR

Scholarship overview

The Scholarship provides students with the following:

  • Free accommodation at Kings College or St John’s College Cambridge
  • £455 from Queen Mary University of London to cover travel and maintenance costs
  • The option to participate in planned activities
  • Reading rights access to the Cambridge University Library and relevant Faculty Libraries
  • Borrowing rights Kings College Library or St John’s College Library

Eligibility and application process

To be eligible for the scholarship, students must:

  • Be a non-final year undergraduate student in the 2023/24 academic year
  • Be fully enrolled for the 2023/24 academic year
  • Successfully complete the 2023/24 academic year with no outstanding assessments or exams
  • Have no academic commitments during the summer vacation
  • Not have participated in the CLVS before

Each Faculty has its own application and decision-making process and the scholarship will be advertised only to students who may be eligible to apply. If you have any queries about the application procedures, please contact your respective schools.

Outcome of your application

  • Faculties will make recommendations about the award of CLVS to the Bursaries team by 29th March 2024
  • The Bursaries team is responsible for checking and confirming the eligibility of candidates selected by the Faculty
  • Formal notification of the outcome of your application will be sent to you by the Bursaries team by 8th April 2024

 If your application is unsuccessful on this occasion, you can apply in successive years as long as you meet the eligibility criteria.

Testimonials from participants

Student Details Extract from Students' Reports
S.C - 2nd Year History  My experience in Cambridge was invaluable in being able to delve into my future research and dissertation ideas. I was at the heart of academic research where groups and societies have been formed for centuries in Cambridge, more importantly within the University. Having had the opportunity to explore various parts of King’s College and visit several libraries, I had the privilege of reading in King’s Library, the main University Library and Seeley Library. As well as this, I took some time to do some archival research as an undergraduate History student in the Churchill Archives Centre. These opportunities I am happy to say I grasped with both hands to truly immerse myself in my research. Although the social aspects were also incredible, particularly the proximity to everything in the centre of Cambridge like punting, visiting independence stores and coffee shops as well as the market stalls. Something I had not expected was the time to think about my pathways in the future such as postgraduate research and study which I had considered but managed to reach a conclusion for. I would highly recommend this experience to anyone who is passionate about their course and engaging in future research.
A.B - 2nd Year Languages Linguistics and Film

It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that I feel extremely privileged to have been a part of. It mostly involved independent study, which I used to gather preliminary resources and explore ideas for my dissertation. Because I got in touch with the relevant professors well in advance of my stay, I was even able to meet up with the head of the English Language and Linguistics faculty and some other scholars who provided valuable feedback to improve and broaden the scope of my dissertation. I made effective use of the wealth of resources and facilities that the institution had to offer including the University library, Kings College Library, and my faculty library. I found that studying on campus in such an inspirational environment and being surrounded by likeminded people genuinely enhanced my productiveness and quality of work. My favourite spots included the Kings College Library that has a view of the cathedral and the Botanical Gardens, as well as the outside terrace that overlooks a river with punting passers-by.

 Our organiser at Kings College composed a wonderful itinerary consisting of various tours with professors and other academics that detailed interesting information on the history and architecture of Kings College itself, including the chapel, library, and other colleges. She also devised a list of optional additional activities and sight-seeing recommendations for tourists in Cambridge so that there was always something to do.

This was beneficial to my personal development as most of the applicants were all completely new to one another, thus prompting the enrichment of my social skills, although this wasn’t as daunting as it seems. Living together in the accommodation alongside other students from Queen Mary and with everyone else just next door (from both Queen Mary and other universities) created a shared experience for us all and therefore a bond of understanding, allowing us to make lifelong friendships and unforgettable memories. Together, we explored the city centre and other surrounding areas such as those suggested by our organiser among many others.

A.D 2nd Year Medicine

I was honoured to attend, and glad to have been a part of. I entered fresh-faced and came away with new contacts that have helped put into perspective my direction in healthcare specialisation. As a medical student, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to arrange one-on-one meetings with several Cambridge academics who worked in my areas of interest. Nonetheless, these meetings could not have been accomplished without the reading from the vast collections at King’s College and Cambridge University Libraries. This allowed me to further develop my questioning with a higher baseline and provided an enlightening experience in examples of real-world applications of Medical Economic theory, especially with regards to recent events. For those who wish to practice a shadowing or meeting event, I recommend making contacts with the desired health professionals ahead of time, but to always keep the door open in case of sudden changes, which could be favourable.

There were also many opportunities provided both by King’s College and independently, to explore the history and culture of this unique university town. Of special note was the guided tour of the King’s College Chapel provided by one of the College’s Fellows who helped to maintain it, providing a unique perspective on not only its history, but also the sometimes-tumultuous history of the town and its place throughout the centuries. Furthermore, the Shakespeare Festival provided by the Colleges were a good opportunity to explore these institutions as well as make new friends.

The staff were pleasant and helpful with any queries that may come up during the stay, as well as the facilities. This included a gym built into a bank vault and punting opportunities, which provide excellent avenues of activity for the restless. 

Due to the independent study nature of the project, I recommend a degree of organised scheduling, and know that most weekends are free-time (unless changed) and as such can be pre-planned ahead of time. This takes away from the stress of organising excursions on the day and frees the mind for focus on your studies. This Scholarship is a MUST for furthering your education.

O.G - 2nd Year Mathematics

A month before my arrival at Cambridge, I began listing all the potential topics I might consider for my research. When I arrived, I felt well-prepared, having most of the prerequisite knowledge and a list of resources to consult. I was eager to implement the plans I had been developing for the past month. However, I quickly realised that I had underestimated the depth of basic knowledge I thought I had in Linear Programming. Despite this setback, I was committed to deepening my understanding before proceeding with my initial plan. Unfortunately, no single textbook or article provided a complete picture, so the abundance of resources at the University of Cambridge was crucial. Using multiple resources at the same time helped me identify unfamiliar topics fundamental to Linear Programming and orient myself within a vastness of information I hadn't known existed.

At first, I felt like I was revisiting what I already knew. But soon, I moved to a more abstract understanding of how the Simplex Algorithm operates in an n-dimensional vector space. For the first time, I was able to establish a direct connection between the algorithm and linear algebra. This newfound understanding gave me insights into “how” the algorithm works.

Overall, my summer at Cambridge was highly productive. Several key factors contributed to this outcome. I was incredibly passionate about my research, however, this was no coincidence. Against the backdrop of the university's remarkable academic record; living, studying, and having private access to facilities made me feel as if I truly belonged to St. John's College. The nearby amenities provided the breaks I needed to relax after long study sessions. The mix of a challenging academic environment and accessible outdoor activities created ideal conditions.

For those considering attending the program, there are several recommendations I would like to make. It's important to understand the difference between studying and researching. Studying is about focusing on a specific topic, while researching also involves making connections between related topics and answering both "why" and "how." Even if you think you know a topic well, you might still discover intricacies you were unaware of. Meanwhile, as much as knowing where to begin, it's also crucial to define the limits of your research to avoid becoming lost in the complexity of the subject's history. Consulting multiple resources can give you a broader view as each resource offers a different range and depth of information. Similarly, using e-textbooks can help you be more efficient if you can't find academic guidance, don't be disheartened. While having a mentor can be beneficial, their absence can also make your study program more versatile, allowing you to focus entirely on your interests and aspirations. Lastly, things don’t always go as planned, but being adaptable can turn unexpected challenges into opportunities for growth.

If you have any further queries regarding this Scholarship, or wish to seek further guidance on any of the information listed above you may contact the Bursaries, Grants & Scholarships team via the email address

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