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Registry Services

Canadian loans

The Canada Student Loans program provides repayable loans and non-repayable grants to help Canadian students pay for their post-secondary education.

Registry Services may be able to provide you with assistance on the completion of forms you may need completed for your Canadian Loan process, please see further guidance below as the stage of process you are currently at will determine the best contact to appropriately assist. 

Queen Mary does not administer Canadian Student Loans, however, we do provide confirmations of enrolment and program information forms to support your loan application. Your provincial Student Aid Office will process your loans. For information on applying please see the Canada Student Loans Program website at:  or visit the website of your provincial Student Aid Office.

Programme information forms

These forms are completed by the Student Records Office. To have your form completed by Queen Mary you must do the following: 

1. Ensure your form is populated with your personal and program information. 

2. Send us the form via the following method: Email a downloaded or scanned PDF of the form to 

We will then: 

  • Complete, authorise, and stamp the form 
  • Return the form directly to you

Confirmation of enrolment forms

These forms are completed by the Student Enquiry Centre. To have your form completed by Queen Mary: 

1. Ensure your form is populated with your correct personal information. 

2. Send log the form via the following method: Visit SEC Online and log a 'Canadian Loan - Confirmation' enquiry  

We will then: 

  • Complete, authorise, and stamp the form 
  • Return the form directly to you

TL11A - Tax form completion

These forms are completed by the Fees Office. To have your form completed by Queen Mary: 

1. Log a request via the following method: Email your form request to along with your Student ID Number  

We will then: 

  • Complete, and authorise the form 
  • Return the form directly to you

If you have any further queries regarding the process of getting materials completed for your Canadian Loan application, you may contact the Bursaries, Grants & Scholarships team in the first instance. They can be contacted via email at

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