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Remaking Fertility

Resources for Clinics

When, where and how should fertility patients receive time-lapse videos?

How can fertility professionals support their patients and inform them about their options regarding time-lapse videos? 

In our research, we have found that most IVF patients watched videos of their developing embryos without adequate context information and before confirming pregnancy. Therefore, they did not know how to interpret embryo development or understand what the video meant for their particular case and treatment. This experience in many cases heightened concerns about the outcome of their treatment (Hamper and Perrotta, 2022).

We presented our research at the ESHRE conference in 2022, conducted a workshop and an open consultation. As a result, we have produced two resources available for clinics, which can be shared widely and used to support their patients in making decisions about receiving and watching these videos.

These resources are at fertility clinics and professionals’ disposal to assist patients in making informed choices. Feel free to share it with your patients.

RESEARCH BRIEF - Sharing time-lapse videos with IVF patients (2023)

Sharing time-lapse videos with IVF patients
Sharing time-lapse videos with IVF patients

In this brief we delve into the unintended emotional consequences of sharing embryo videos with patients. We firmly believe these findings can offer valuable guidance for refining best practices in the field of fertility care. You can download the full research brief here.

VIDEO - Should you watch videos of your embryos? (2023)

This short animation is tailored to empower patients with crucial information about receiving and viewing videos of their embryos.

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