Around the world, trust in the police has plummeted. How can we hold those who have sworn to protect us accountable?
Who joins or leaves a political party and why? What do parties think of their members and how does this impact their policies? And how does all of this play out in the media?
Since 2015, the Verbatim Formula (TVF) has collaborated with cohorts of care-experienced young people across the UK, developing a methodology to help adults listen better and young people to be heard.
Audio production can be time consuming, labour-intensive and expensive. A new cloud-based audio mastering service, LandR Audio, uses artificial intelligence algorithms to produce professional – but accessible – audio mastering.
Action on Salt has comprehensively shown the relationship between salt intake and blood pressure. Reducing salt in food is one of the most cost-effective public health policies available to the Government.
Innovation is driven by new perspectives. We’re pioneering agile, challenge-driven research spaces where experts have the freedom to reimagine what’s possible.
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