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School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences

Student Spotlight: Meet Ahana, second year, Biomedical Science student

Meet Ahana, a second-year biomedical science student at the School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences at Queen Mary University of London.

Ahana has thrived in an environment that nurtures her passion for the immune system. From hands-on anatomy lab experiences to active involvement in student societies, Ahana’s journey is marked by curiosity and engagement. 


Why did you choose to study your course at Queen Mary?

One of the main factors that attracted me towards Queen Mary was its modules for biomedical science. I have always been interested in the immune system, and I was really excited to study clinical microbiology, infectious diseases, and immunology.


What has been the highlight of your course (so far)?

One of the highlights for my course was definitely the anatomy lab. I loved being able to look at the anatomical structures of the human body in real life, and being elbows-deep in someone’s abdomen was a very novel and exciting experience for me. It was also the first time I got to hold an actual human brain in my hands (I don’t think my lab partner enjoyed it as much as I did though). The lecturers for all my modules have always been really approachable regarding any of my doubts and have always been receptive towards feedback given by the cohort. Furthermore, some of the lecturers go above and beyond during classes. I once had a lecturer who decided to act out the cardiac cycle, accompanied by occasional shouts of “WHOO!” to mimic an action potential firing.


How have you found the support services and the campus and facilities?

The library is a wonderful place to study in or alternatively hang out with your friends under the guise of studying. Being a committee member for a society has helped me learn so many new skills and hone existing ones and they’re a great thing to add to your CV. Societies are a great way to meet like-minded people or branch out and make new friends (and a great way to get free food sometimes). There’s always an event going on at campus, whether those are movie nights, essay writing workshops to improve your academic skills and sometimes, even an album release party! There’s a lot of support from the student’s union on how to run your own society and how to start your own. Queen Mary’s careers service has workshops dedicated to students obtaining work experience as well as multiple networking events for your desired field throughout the year. There’s definitely a lot of support available for students from the careers service.


What is a top tip you’d give new students/students applying to university?

A top tip I’d give to new students is to establish a strong support network at university as soon as possible. This can be done by making friends on the course by attending freshers’ events or by attending society meet and greets. A support network is helpful at combating feelings of homesickness that a lot of us are affected with during our first year. I’d also encourage them to establish a routine for themselves. I’d also encourage them to bring items from home, such as a comfort food that isn’t available here or even a stuffed animal to bring about a sense of familiarity.


Any final thoughts you'd like to share?

One of my favorite memories from university will always be the dance parties my flatmate and I would have after dinner which were a great way for the two of us to destress after a long day at university. However, I don’t think our other flatmates liked us very much for this reason!

It’s also one of the reasons I emphasize staying in university halls for your first year if you are able to do so. While it does give you great memories of staying up and giggling over movies and midnight feasts, it’s a great way to learn how to live independently while still having some support (via the residential life team at Queen Mary). Living alone helps you gain important life skills such as budgeting and meal planning. It also teaches you how to live in a shared space which allows you to gain interpersonal skills.



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