ESRC LISS Doctoral Training Partnership
The Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC) funds the London Interdisciplinary Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership (LISS DTP) for PhD study at Queen Mary. This DTP is in partnership with King's College London and Imperial College London.
It provides social science research students with a unique opportunity to join and develop a research community that springs from the interface between the social science disciplines with health and medicine, the natural and physical sciences, engineering, and the arts and humanities.
As a member of this DTP, the School offers studentships for PhD projects in the area of Health, Well-being and Social Inclusion. Applicants are invited to contact academic staff within our School with relevant expertise in their proposed area of research to discuss the possibility of applying for a LISS DTP studentship for a project under their supervision. Proposed research projects must fall under one of the DTP’s 13 thematic pathways.
Eligibility and applying
Applications for 2023/24 are now closed. Details for 2024/25 entry will be coming soon.
Eligibility criteria and the application process can be found on the LISS DTP website.
Applicants must also submit an application for our PhD programme following our usual application process.