Postdoctoral fellowship schemes
The School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences supports strong candidates from the UK and overseas in applying for research fellowships from external funders.
We welcome applications from excellent candidates for our departments: Biology, Biochemistry, and Psychology, which are embedded within our four research centres.
What we offer
We offer a supportive and inclusive work environment with many opportunities for career development and are keen on nurturing and developing promising, internationally competitive early career researchers. We are a large and diverse school, with over 40 postdoctoral fellows at all stages of their careers. All early career researchers within the School are supported by a research mentor and will have access to a range of workshops and training programmes organised by the Queen Mary Academy in areas such as research project management, PhD supervision, creative thinking and research leadership and management. We are an ATHENA Swan Silver award holder, and a Living Wage employer.
To apply
There is a wide range of fellowships available from external funders, many of which are open to applicants of any nationality. We recommend contacting a member of academic staff who is undertaking research in the area of your interest in the first instance; alternatively, contact the relevant Head of Department who can advise you on next steps.
We offer support to the best candidates who apply for fellowship funding. In many cases, the academic staff member will work with you on developing your project and writing your application.
All proposals are subject to our internal peer review process before being submitted to external funders, to optimise your chance of success. Two academic members of staff will review and feedback on your proposal if your application makes it to this stage.
You should contact the relevant member of academic staff at least 20 working days before the funding deadline, to allow enough time for preparation and costing of the proposal.
Each fellowship has a different deadline and eligibility criteria. Please refer to the relevant websites for more information, listed below.
- Alzheimer’s Research UK Research Fellowships
- Alzheimer’s Society Postdoctoral Fellowships
- 2025 BBSRC Fellowships scheme – UKRI
- Branco Weiss Fellowship
- British Academy International Fellowships
- British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Daphne Jackson Fellowships
- EPSRC Open Fellowship
- EPSRC Postdoctoral Fellowship
- ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowships
- European Molecular Biology Organization Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Human Frontier Science Program Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships
- MRC Career Development Award
- MRC Senior Non-clinical Fellowship
- NERC Independent Research Fellowship
- NIHR Advanced Fellowships
- Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 Research Fellowships
- Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship
- Royal Society Newton International Fellowship
- Royal Society University Research Fellowship
- Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future
- UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships
- Wellcome Early-Career Awards