I joined Queen Mary University of London as a teaching-focused lecturer in May 2023. I previously held lecturing and instructor posts at Canterbury Christ Church University (UK), Mount Saint Vincent University (Canada) and University of Calgary (Canada). I completed my PhD in developmental neuropsychology at the University of Birmingham in 2015. Following my PhD, I completed my postdoctoral training in neuroscience of language at Dalhousie University (Canada), Alberta Children’s hospital (Canada) and University of Calgary (Canada). During my postgraduate and postdoctoral studies, I have been awarded grants including Marie Currie scholarship (EU), Eyes-High postdoctoral fellowship (University of Calgary) and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council postdoctoral fellowship (Government of Canada).
I am the module organiser and main lecturer on the following modules:
- PSY108 Research Methods in Psychology
- PSY223 Developmental Psychology
- PSY727P Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology
I am supervising students on BS Psychology and MSc Psychology Conversion programmes.
I’m Deputy Programme Director for MSc Psychology Conversion course and MSc Mental Health Sciences course.
Research Interests:
My research interests using neuroimaging and techniques (EEG and fNIRS) lie at the intersection of cognitive neuroscience, educational neuroscience and neuropsychology. As an educator, I'm interested in how students can better learn and flourish at university. My scholarship activities therefore neatly tessalate with my research in cognitive neuroscience and development. I'm currently developing mindfulness interventions to improve student wellbeing and academic performance at university.
Galilee, A., Beck, L., Lownie, C., Veinot, J., Mimeau, C., Dempster, T., Elliott, L., Deacon, S.H., Newman, A.J. (2024). “Ortho-semantic learning of novel words: An event-related potential study in Grade 3 children”. Frontiers of Developmental Psychology, Vol 2 – 2024. doi: 10.3389/fdpys.2024.1340383
Wilcox, G., Galilee, A., Makarenko, E., Stamp, J., MacMaster, F. (2020). “The Importance of Research on Integrating Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (TDCS) with Evidence-Based Reading Interventions”. Journal of Paediatric Neuropsychology, 6(5), 218–228
Galilee, A. & Wilcox, G. (2020). “Combining TDCS with evidence-based reading interventions: a pilot neuroimaging study”. Mathison Centre for Mental Health Research and Education
Clarke, D.B., Galilee, A., Kureshi, N., Fenerty, L., Hong, M., D’Arcy, R. (2020). “Knowledge retention and transfer of simulation-based learning for neurosurgical instruments: A randomized trial of 100 perioperative nurses”. BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning, doi: 10.1136/bmjstel-2019-000576
Galilee, A., Stefanidou, C., McCleery, J.P. (2017). Atypical speech versus non-speech detection and discrimination in 4- to 6- yr old children with autism spectrum disorder: An ERP study. PLOS One. 12(7): e0181354.
Galilee, A., McCleery, J.P. (2016). Neural mechanisms of the observation of human and non-human object touch in children: an ERP study. British Journal of Developmental Psychology. 34(1), 86-100.
Streltsova (Galilee), A., McCleery J.P. (2014). Neural time-course of the observation of human and nonhuman object touch. Journal of Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 9(3), 333-341.
Streltsova (Galilee), A., Berchio, C., Gallese, V., Umilta, M.A. (2012). Time course and specificity of sensorimotor alpha modulation during the observation of hand motor acts and gestures: a high-density EEG study. Experimental Brain Research. 205(3), 363-373.
Streltsova (Galilee), A. “In a search of a better treatment for fragmented self” (2010). Comment to Peter Fonagy “Mentalization: Understanding borderline personality disorder”. In: T. Fuchs, H.C. Sattel, P. Henningsen (Eds.) “The Embodied Self. Dimensions, Coherence and Disorders.” Stuttgart: Schattauer, p. 287-292.
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