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School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences

Dr Gwen Brekelmans


Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Advanced Research Methods

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 5401
Room Number: 2.04, Fogg Building
Twitter: @GwenBrekel


I am the module organiser and main lecturer on all of the following modules:

PSY100 – Essential Skills for Psychologists  (BSc Psychology)

PSY600 - Research project (BSc Psychology)

PSY702P – Advanced Methods and Statistics (MSc Mental Health Sciences)

PSY720P - Research Project (MSc Psychology Conversion)


I am the Programme Director for the MSc Psychology (Conversion) programme, and Deputy Director of Teaching and Learning in Psychology. 


Research Interests:

Research interests

My research investigates how adults and children learn languages, and how they might differ in their learning. One area I am particularly interested in finding out how people learn to perceive and produce the speech of second or foreign languages, and what factors might be involved in improving this learning. I am also passionate about teaching and pedagogical research, particularly relating to the teaching of research methods and academic writing, as well as methods to improve equality and diversity in higher education.

Research department

Scholarly Contributions

My pedagogical scholarship interests are three-fold. Firstly, I am particularly interested in skills acquisition, investigating the teaching of research methods, open science, and academic writing and skills more broadly. Secondly, I am passionate about embedding equality and diversity in higher education teaching (I am also a member of QMUL CAISE, the Centre for Academic Inclusion in Science and Engineering). Finally, I have recently started a new strand of pedagogical scholarship focussing on staff belonging.

Work co-created with student authors is indicated with *.


Pownall, M., Azevedo, F., König, L. M., Slack, H. R., Evans, T. R., Flack, Z., … Brekelmans, G., …, FORRT. (2022, April 8).The impact of open and reproducible scholarship on students’ scientific literacy, engagement, and attitudes towards science: A review and synthesis of the evidence. Royal Society Open Science . 

Conference presentations

Brekelmans, G., Amri, S*. & Defreitas-Smith, T*. The role of auditory engagement in feedback modality preference. QMUL Festival of Education. 6 March 2024. [Pecha Kucha]

Brekelmans, G., Amri, S*. & Defreitas-Smith, T*. The role of auditory engagement in feedback modality preference. British Psychological Society: DART-P Annual Conference 2023, British Psychological Society (online conference). 20 September 2023. [Poster]

Brekelmans, G. Showcasing diversity in Psychology through embedding in the academic skills curriculum. CAISE Launch. QMUL, 31 October 2022. [Poster]

Brekelmans, G., Pieptan, M.D*., & Yeboah, S.A.A*. Visualising diversity to increase awareness of the diversity. University of Hull Summer Learning & Teaching Conference 2022: Personalised Pedagogies: inclusive, empowering and progressive higher education for all. Hull UK (online conference). July 2022         [Infographic]  

Brekelmans, G. Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in PSY100. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in SBBS teaching meeting. Queen Mary University of London. 1 Dec 2021. [Presentation]

Other dissemination

Brekelmans, G. Showcasing diversity in Psychology through embedding in the academic skills curriculum. Queen Mary Academy. January 2023. Available at

Brekelmans, G. Exploring the Use of Guided Exercise Tasks to Improve Essay Writing in Psychology. Queen Mary Academy. July 2022. Available at

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