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School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences

Dr Irene Pinzuti


Lecturer in Academic Skills and PDP, Nanchang Joint Programme

Room Number: Room 3.12, Fogg Building


I completed my Bachelor’s (Biological Sciences) and Master's Degrees (Molecular and Cellular Biology) in Italy, from the University of Siena. After working in the Biochemistry Unit at GlaxoSmithKline Vaccines for almost two years, I decided to continue my studies in the UK. I completed my PhD at Queen Mary University of London in the Stieglitz Lab, working on the investigation of the interplay between human and bacterial E3 ubiquitin ligases from Shigella flexneri, using a wide range of biophysical and biochemical techniques. After my PhD, I worked as Biology Teaching Technician at Queen Mary in London, where it became clear to me that as much as I loved research, teaching was my professional call. In 2021 I joined the Nanchang Joint Programme as Lecturer in Academic Skills and Personal Development Plan for year 1 and year 2 undergraduate students. As a lecturer, my goal is to inspire an appetite for scientific curiosity and to encourage my students to develop their own talents and transferrable skills. My main scholarship is focused on Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) in Transnational Education, and I am passionate about supporting students to aspire towards academic excellence and preparing them for their future professional life beyond university.

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