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School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences

Dr Paraskevi Argyriou, BA Greek Language and Linguistics (University of Athens) MSc Applied Linguistics (University of Athens) MRes Speech, Language and Cognition (UCL) PhD Psychology (University of Birmingham)


Senior Lecturer in Psychology Director of Graduate Opportunities and Employment

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 6894
Room Number: Fogg 2.02


As an educator, I am dedicated to teaching excellence and I am very keen to enhance student experience and employability. I have presented my scholarship projects in HEA Conferences, with a particular focus on improving assessment and feedback, and diversifying the curriculum. I am also the co-ordinator for the BSc Psychology with Professional Experience, and I am happy to provide relevant advice. 

I am keen on bringing researchers together to disseminate outcomes of their work. I am currently co-leading a cross-faculty seminar series on Social Interactions Health and Wellbeing and have successfully organised an EPS research workshop in 2022 focused on the current trends and future directions on embodiment and social interaction. 

I am a member of the Experimental Psychology Society and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. 

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