Reaction: D-arabinofuranose + NADP+ = D-arabinono-1,4-lactone + NADPH + H+
Other name(s): AraDH; adh-4 (gene name)
Systematic name: D-arabinose:NADP+ 1-oxidoreductase
Comments: The enzyme from the archaeon Saccharolobus solfataricus is tetrameric and contains zinc. L-fucose also is a substrate. In contrast to EC (D-arabinose 1-dehydrogenase (NAD+)) and EC (D-arabinose 1-dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+]), this enzyme is specific for NADP+.
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, MetaCyc, CAS registry number:
1. Brouns, S.J., Walther, J., Snijders, A.P., van de Werken, H.J., Willemen, H.L., Worm, P., de Vos, M.G., Andersson, A., Lundgren, M., Mazon, H.F., van den Heuvel, R.H., Nilsson, P., Salmon, L., de Vos, W.M., Wright, P.C., Bernander, R. and van der Oost, J. Identification of the missing links in prokaryotic pentose oxidation pathways: evidence for enzyme recruitment. J. Biol. Chem. 281 (2006) 27378-27388. [PMID: 16849334]
2. Brouns, S.J., Turnbull, A.P., Willemen, H.L., Akerboom, J. and van der Oost, J. Crystal structure and biochemical properties of the D-arabinose dehydrogenase from Sulfolobus solfataricus. J. Mol. Biol. 371 (2007) 1249-1260. [PMID: 17610898]