Reaction: phosphoenolpyruvate + D-Man-β-(1→4)-D-GlcA-β-(1→2)-D-Man-α-(1→3)-D-Glc-β-(1→4)-D-Glc-α-1-diphospho-ditrans,octacis-undecaprenol = 4,6-CH3(COO–)C-D-Man-β-(1→4)-D-GlcA-β-(1→2)-D-Man-α-(1→3)-D-Glc-β-(1→4)-D-Glc-α-1-diphospho-ditrans,octacis-undecaprenol + phosphate
For diagram of reaction click here
Other name(s): KPT
Systematic name: phosphoenolpyruvate:D-Man-β-(1→4)-GlcA-β-(1→2)-D-Man-α-(1→3)-D-Glc-β-(1→4)-D-Glc-α-1-diphospho-ditrans,octacis-undecaprenol 4,6-O-(1-carboxyethan-1,1-diyl)transferase
Comments: Involved in the biosynthesis of the polysaccharide xanthan. 30-40% of the terminal mannose residues of xanthan have a 4,6-O-(1-carboxyethan-1,1-diyl) ketal group. It also acts on the 6-O-acetyl derivative of the inner mannose unit.
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, Metacyc, CAS registry number:
1. Marzocca, M.P., Harding, N.E., Petroni, E.A., Cleary, J.M. and Ielpi, L. Location and cloning of the ketal pyruvate transferase gene of Xanthomonas campestris. J. Bacteriol. 173 (1991) 7519-7524. [PMID: 1657892]