Reaction: ATP + a long-chain fatty acid + an [acyl-carrier protein] = AMP + diphosphate + a long-chain acyl-[acyl-carrier protein]
Other name(s): acyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthetase (ambiguous); acyl-ACP synthetase (ambiguous); stearoyl-ACP synthetase; acyl-acyl carrier protein synthetase (ambiguous); long-chain-fatty-acid:[acyl-carrier-protein] ligase (AMP-forming)
Systematic name: long-chain-fatty-acid:[acyl-carrier protein] ligase (AMP-forming)
Comments: The enzyme ligates long chain fatty acids (with aliphatic chain of 13-22 carbons) to an acyl-carrier protein. Not identical with EC long-chain-fatty-acid—CoA ligase.
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, Metacyc, PDB, CAS registry number: 77322-37-3
1. Ray, T.K. and Cronan, J.E., Jr. Activation of long chain fatty acids with acyl carrier protein: demonstration of a new enzyme, acyl-acyl carrier protein synthetase, in Escherichia coli. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 73 (1976) 4374-4378. [PMID: 794875]
2. Kaczmarzyk, D. and Fulda, M. Fatty acid activation in cyanobacteria mediated by acyl-acyl carrier protein synthetase enables fatty acid recycling. Plant Physiol. 152 (2010) 1598-1610. [PMID: 20061450]