2013 CRED Annual Lecture
7 October 2013
Time: 6:00 - 7:15pm
Venue: David Sizer Lecture Theatre, Bancroft Building, Queen Mary University of London
One increasingly important category of workers is that of ‘worker-mothers’. Within the group there are important distinctions: worker-mothers returning to work after maternity or parental leave; worker-mothers who are female breadwinners; and worker-mothers who have opted for self-employment. Drawing on current research, the presentation discusses the characteristics of each group and the policy challenges they represent for government and employers in relation to gender equity.
Marian Baird is Professor of Employment Relations and Director of the Women and Work Research Group in the University of Sydney Business School. Marian is co-editor of the Journal of Industrial Relations and is on the editorial board of the Australian Bulletin of Labour and the international journal, Community, Work and Family. Marian is also a Fellow of the University of Sydney Senate and on the Research Committee of the Diversity Council of Australia.
Marian is one of Australia's leading researchers in the fields of women, work and family. She has received a number of Australian Research Council and federal and state government grants to study maternity and parental leave, flexibility for working parents, women and the global financial crisis, mature age workers and low paid workers, gender equitable organisational change and work and family in regional Australia. She is widely published in Australia and internationally.
Marian is engaged with policy making and industry at all levels. She is currently a member of the Paid Parental Leave Policy evaluation team, a federally funded project to evaluate the new paid parental leave policy in Australia. Prior to that she was a chief investigator on ‘The Parental Leave in Australia Study’, which provided detailed survey, case study and interview data about maternity leave availability and usage in Australia. In 2012 Marian was a member of the Review into the Treatment of Women in the Australian Defence Force and in 2011 she was a member of the EOWA Implementation Advisory Group, providing input into the new Workplace Gender Equality legislation. Marian is frequently invited to speak to unions, women's groups, councils, other universities, business and the press about employment relations generally and women and work specifically.
*This event will be followed by a reception*
Attendance is free. To register please visit: https://credannuallecture.eventbrite.co.uk