2015 Behavioural Finance Working Group Conference
11 June 2015 - 12 June 2015
Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Venue: School of Business and Management, Bancroft Building, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End, London, E1 4NS
Theme: Financial Regulation
Registration fee - £300.00
Early bird registration fee (until 15 May 2015) - £200.00
Online registration
Keynote Speakers: Harrison Hong (Princeton), Charles Goodhart (LSE)
Organisers: Professor Gulnur Muradoglu and Professor William Forbes
Special Issue: Accepted papers will be considered for a special issue of The European Journal of Finance which will publish a selection of research presented at the conference.
As we move beyond the initial shock of the financial crisis proposals for reform have been able to mature and their implementation begun. At both a European and national level the depth of resistance to these reforms is becoming clear. Numerous recent scandals, concerning hedging products sold to small companies, the setting of LIBOR and foreign exchange dealing confirm that wrongdoing has outlived the crisis and perhaps been intensified by it. In Greece and Ireland intense political conflict has resulted from settlements with the EU/IMF troika. State intervention in financial markets seems unlikely to retreat anytime soon. In the forthcoming BFWG meeting we reflect on financial regulation, the on-going encroachment of the State in financial markets and the State’s role in the emergence and subsequent operation of financial markets. Papers are invited on a range of topics to including, but not limited to,
• Bank regulation
• Conflicts of interest faced by finance professionals and institutions
• Remuneration practices, “say on pay” votes and the attempt to introduce caps
• Structural reform of systemically important institutions, living wills, bank resolution regimes
• Securitisation, its impact and the threats posed
• Pension reform
• Sovereign wealth and Hedge funds and the threat to transparency they pose
• The role of regulatory capture, rent--seeking, in subverting the stated purpose of regulation
• The role of the State in inducing financial innovation, regulatory arbitrage and the evolution of markets.
In this two-day meeting, we will consider how the fields of behavioural finance, economic psychology, financial socio-analysis and other related areas can enhance our understanding of financial regulation.
We will have dedicated PhD sessions supported by ICAEW’s Charitable Trusts and a Practitioner’s Round Table.
Best Paper Awards: Two best paper awards will be given for the papers presented at the conference. The European Journal of Finance will give a Best Quantitative Paper Award and the Qualitative Research in Financial Markets will give a Best Qualitative Paper award.
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