Academic Advisory Board Meeting
24 May 2013
Time: 11:00am - 2:00pm
Venue: FB4.04/08, Bancroft Building, Mile End Campus
The aim of this event is to bring together researchers with an interest in cross-national research on parental time investments and inequality, and to discuss the opportunities for research provided by time diary data. Numbers will be limited to ensure time for discussion and exchange of ideas.
11.00 am - Registration and Tea/Coffee
11.15 am - Parental Time Investments in Children, Almudena Sevilla, Queen Mary University
12:00 pm - Discussion: Trends in parental time investments by parental educational background across Countries and Over Time - Factors associated with trends: selection into parenthood, income effects, safety concerns, involved parenting, lack of acceptable substitutes, competition for college admissions, family composition, and job type and hours of work.
1:00 pm - Lunch
2:00pm - Close
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