Alternative Accounts Europe Conference 2021
When: Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 10:00 AM -
Where: Online, MS Teams / Zoom
The third Alternative Accounts Europe Conference will be hosted by Queen Mary, University of London on Tuesday, 5th January 2021.
The Alternative Accounts Europe Conference brings together scholars interested in interdisciplinary and critical perspectives on accounting in an inclusive and supportive forum. We invite accounting faculty and doctoral students to present work that challenges dominant representations of accounting and to offer alternative accounts of accounting practice research in its diverse and multiple histories, contexts and constituents.
The conference is to be hosted online by the AARG (Accounting and Accountability Research Group) at Queen Mary, University of London. We are seeking contributions initially in the form of extended abstracts and working papers.
Topics to be addressed may include but are not limited to:
- Accountability
- Accounting for the public interest and the relationship between accounting and the state in various social formations
- Accounting profession
- Audit, ethics, corporate governance and organisational culture
- Accounting’s role in climate change, sustainability, health and wellbeing, biodiversity and ecological accounting
- Accounting’s role in politics and political discourse
- Accounting and social conflict, counter-accounting
- Questioning corporate governance discourses and practices
- Financial accounting’s role in the processes of international capital formation, including its impact on stock market stability and international banking activities
- Management accounting’s role in the organisation and control of labour
- Accounting history; Accounting and imperialism and post-colonialism
- Accounting’s role in the globalization processes and in promoting neoliberalism and financialization
Please submit an extended abstract (about 500 words) or a working paper by 6 November 2020 by emailing it to:
Please use the subject line Alternative Accounts Europe Conference 2021.
Authors will hear back from us by 30 November 2020 with a decision and are invited to submit full working papers after that if they have not already done so.
Please feel free to get in touch with our conference organising team for any queries regarding potential submissions by emailing:
Book now
There is no charge for attending the conference but attendees must book a place by 15 December 2020. You can book by clicking on the Book Now button at the top of the page. Joining instructions will be issued after this date along with instructions for presenters. We anticipate using MSTeams and presenters will be invited to present using Powerpoint.