Behavioural Finance Working Group Occasional Seminar
24 June 2013
Time: 1:00 - 3:00pm
Venue: Francis Bancroft Building: Room 3.28, School of Business and Management, Queen Mary University of London, 327 Mile End Road, London E1 4NS
Professor Werner F.M. De Bondt
Brief Bio
Werner F.M. De Bondt is director of the Richard H. Driehaus Center for Behavioral Finance at DePaul University in Chicago. He is also the Driehaus Professor of Behavioral Finance. De Bondt is an economist who studies the psychology of financial decision-making. He is one of the founders of behavioral finance.. De Bondt’s research articles have appeared in many books and scholarly journals, including the Journal of Finance, the Financial Analysts Journal, the American Economic Review, and the European Economic Review. His work on stock market overreaction and the speculative dynamics of world financial markets has received a great deal of attention. Werner De Bondt is a frequent speaker to academics and investment professionals around the world. He holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration from Cornell University (1985). In past years, he was a member of the faculty at various universities in Europe, e.g., the KU Leuven (Belgium) and the University of Zurich (Switzerland). Between 1992 and 2003, he was the Frank Graner Professor of Investment Management at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Seminar Abstract
How do we reverse the current economic malaise?
“We failed as regulators, we failed as supervisors, we failed as corporate governance managers, we failed as risk managers, and we also failed in the allocation of roles and responsibilities for international economic organisations.”Angel Gurria, Secretary General, OECD
The world is out of kilter. Confusion and disorder reign at all levels: economic, social, political, and moral. The crisis that started in 2007, preceded by many years of economic stagnation in the industrialized nations, has revealed the fragility of our market-based society. In the United States, Europe, and Japan, anger about the past and anxiety about the future is widespread. Many people are in pain, yet also feel powerless. Today’s capitalism, they believe, is inherently unstable, inefficient, unfair, and corrupt. A more responsible capitalism is sorely needed. Democracy has to be strengthened. Trust in business corporations, financial institutions, and government has to be restored. In order to realize this utopian vision, the world needs authentic thought leadership and the moral regeneration of its power elite.
Please register before 21st of June. Space may be limited.
For your information
Seminar Lunch in the kitchen at 12:30pm
The seminar will run from 1pm to 2:30 pm (suggested 45 minute talk ad 45 minutes Q&A and discussion)
Tea and coffee afterwards in the kitchen (for informal talk)